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Clamping down on my emotions with a cold iron grip, I refused to let myself be overtaken by rage at the sight of mana beasts ripping apart unarmed and magicless people…my people.

My stomach turned at the sight while the rest of me wanted nothing more than to God Step onto the field and kill the beasts.

The power to defy reality in my grasp, yet I couldn’t even save those people.

I reasoned that restraining myself now was for the greater good, that it was the price we all had to pay for losing the war.

But that didn’t make it any easier to sit and watch my fellow Dicathians be slaughtered. And then there were the cheers that rolled like hateful thunder down from the tens of thousands of onlookers as they gorged on the sight just like the wolves gorged on the innocents…

For a single, dark moment, I hated them all.

I imagined Destruction leaping from my hands to burn the entire stadium and everyone inside it to less than ash…but there were no cheers or laughter coming from our staging area. Though I couldn’t bring myself to look away from these Dicathians’ last moments, I could hear the shallow, labored breathing of my students, the crack of their knuckles as they gripped the rails, the quiet whimpers of disgust as the wolves feasted…

Then the hair on the back of my neck stood up as a familiar force filled the room, breaking the spell of the slaughter.

The students began dropping to their knees as they followed the source of the pressure to the back wall of the staging area, where a horned figure dressed all in black stood watching us.

Regis bristled, the mental equivalent of putting his hackles up.

Seris Vritra looked much different than she had that day on the battlefield, when Uto nearly killed Sylvie and me. Instead of a wartime general, she looked regal as an empress draped in a black scale battledress, though she wore the same midnight-black cloak she had when I first saw her arrive in Darv.

Next to me, Seth remained on his feet, slack-jawed and staring. While the rest of the class had the good sense to go down on their knees, Seth seemed frozen in place. The Scythe’s sudden appearance cemented one piece of information I had only guessed at so far: Nico wasn’t the only one who knew my real identity.

Seris was watching Seth like he was some amusing little critter. Whatever her reason for coming here, I didn’t need the students involved in it, and so I placed a hand on Seth’s shoulder and pushed him to his knees.

“Scythe Seris,” I said. “How nice to see you again.”

“Professor Grey of Central Academy. Lady Caera of Highblood Denoir.” A tremor ran through the kneeling students at the sound of Seris’s silvery voice. “With me.”

She spun, her cloak flowing like liquid around her, and vanished through the single door set into the stone wall at the back of the staging area. Caera jumped to follow her, but I stayed where I was.

‘Yes, because what this whole ordeal really needed was another layer of complication,’ Regis thought, our link clearly transmitting his hesitant resignation.

The fact that Seris had also discovered my identity wasn’t exactly a surprise since Nico obviously knew, but I had to wonder why she would contact me now, and so openly.

Even with Seris gone, the students were still petrified. Their shock and awe were tangible, floating in the viscous silence that the Scythe’s sudden appearance and departure had created. Even the noise of the crowd had been muffled, as if unwelcome in this place.

“Briar, Aphene.”

Both young women flinched as my voice broke the silence, their heads snapping up to stare wide-eyed and searching around the room. Briar’s eyes blinked several times behind her mask as if she were waking from a long, uncertain dream.

“You’re in charge until I get back,” I said quickly, then marched out after Caera and Seris.

The Scythe was silent as she led us through the bowels of the coliseum. She walked with purpose, and yet her movements maintained a fluid grace and elegance that hinted at a flawless control over her physical form. Her confident rhythm never broke, not even to look back and make sure we were following. As we strode after her, we saw no one else despite the constant bustle of officials, workers, and slaves that must have filled the underworks.

After a minute or two, I noticed Caera watching me from the corner of her eye. She opened her mouth, but closed it again without speaking.

“What is it?” I asked, my voice sounding hollow in the underground tunnels, but she only shook her head in response.

Seris’s head turned a fraction of an inch as I spoke. I wondered what unspoken tension was weighing down Caera’s shoulders, but kept my silence.

I was wary, but not afraid. Although Seris was too distant and mysterious to consider an ally, I didn’t count her among my enemies, either. If she wanted to harm me, there had been plenty of opportunities to do so before the Victoriad.

When we arrived in a private viewing box overlooking the combat field, I immediately scanned the room for any threats—as if there could be anything more dangerous than the Scythe within—but found only a plush lounge from which to watch the games below. The decor didn’t interest me, and my attention turned immediately back to Seris.

“Make yourselves comfortable,” Seris said, her light tone at odds with her dominating presence. When I made no move to do so, she waved a hand as if to brush away my wariness. “I didn’t bring you here to harm you, Grey, but you already know that. You look well, by the way. Golden eyes…very subtle. Why don’t you remove that mask so I can see your face properly?”

“Thank you for the hospitality,” I replied, doing as she asked. “Nice place, if a bit lonely. Where’s Cylrit? Lurking in the closet, waiting to jump out and give me some dire warning?”

Seris laughed happily. “My retainer is seeing to something else for me at the moment. No dire warnings today, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have business to discuss. I’m sure it won’t surprise you to learn that I’ve been keeping close tabs on you ever since you so conveniently appeared in the Relictombs.”

Caera flinched, looking slightly past me, not quite meeting my eye. “I’m sorry, Grey. Scythe Seris, she is my guide—my mentor, as I’ve mentioned before—and at first of course I had no idea you might know each other, but only told her about you because you were so…” She paused, biting the side of her cheek. “So curious and interesting, and then she wanted to know more about you, and she asked me to keep an eye on you—but I told you, so I hope you know I—”

As she spoke, I had noticed Seris searching my eyes from behind her and giving me a coy, knowing smile. When I returned the expression, Caera faltered, her worry giving way to a confused frown.

“It’s fine, Caera. I mean, you have a powerful female Scythe mentor with an unusual interest in me?” I gestured to Seris, unable to suppress a guilty smirk. “I never pressed you for more details because I didn’t need to. It wasn’t all that hard to figure out.”

Caera let out a deep breath and ran a lock of blue hair between her fingers. “Thank you for understanding. You two can stop making silly eyes at each other now.”

“Caera of Highblood Denoir, is that any way to speak to your mentor?” Seris asked with only a slight mocking air. “Your adoptive mother would be appalled.”

‘Pretty classy, the way you handled that. But then, I guess it’d be pretty childish of you to get all pissy at her for not telling you, considering the uncountable number of lies you've told about your own identity,’ Regis scoffed.

Fair point, I thought back. And also, shut up.

Seris reclined against the warded glass that fronted the chamber. “You’ve grown predictable, Grey.”

“Oh,” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at the Scythe. “How much of what I’ve accomplished have you predicted, exactly?”

Her lips parted to respond, but I saw her eyes flick to Caera, and she seemed to rethink whatever she had been about to say. Finally, she said only, “Enough.”

I met the Scythe’s piercing eyes, no longer smiling. “What do you want with me now, Seris?”

“The same thing I have always wanted.” She turned to face the window. Below, a dozen slaves were cleaning up the last of the mess left by the black-fanged wolves. “To see your potential grow.”

The Scythe drifted to a chaise lounge and eased into it while indicating we should take the couch across from her. Caera didn’t hesitate to comply with her mentor’s unspoken request. I moved to stand behind the couch, but did not sit, instead resting my hands on the cushioned back.

“Speaking of potential,” Seris said, her focus on my sternum, “Caera tells me you have exchanged your ability to manipulate mana for mysterious aether arts that even she does not understand.” Caera shifted uncomfortably at Seris’s words. “How did this come to be? I hope my last gift to you wasn’t entirely wasted, was it?”

‘Uto’s mana wasn’t wasted at all, if you ask me,’ Regis thought with the mental equivalent of letting his tongue loll contentedly from his mouth.

“My injuries in the war were catastrophic,” I answered, my body tingling as I remembered the feel of it breaking down due to prolonged use of the third stage of Sylvia’s beast will. “I had to adjust.”

“Yes, well, that is certainly something I couldn’t have predicted,” she said in a low voice, more to herself than Caera or me.

“What do you want with me?” I asked again, more firmly this time. A sudden suspicion dawned on me, and I added, “Did you bring me here? To the Victoriad?”

Seris’s painted lips quirked up. “I’ll admit, it has pained me to see you sit on your hands at that university for so long. A professor, really?” She gave me a disapproving look, as if I cared what she thought about my actions in Alacrya. “As I said, predictable. But you are also right, I did arrange for your class to be here.”

“Why?” I asked, trying to piece this new information into everything else I already knew.

“Because I wanted to remind you who you are, and what is at stake,” she said, her voice heavy with authority, a sharp change in tone from the rest of our conversation. “To that end, I have arranged for your presence here to ask something of you. Think of it as calling in the debt you owe me.”

“Debt?” I asked, not sure I liked where this was going. “So you didn’t simply help me out of the goodness of your heart? Shocking…”

Caera turned slowly, staring at me with eyes the size of full moons. Her jaw was clenched so tightly I thought she might crack a tooth.

Seris, though, only adjusted herself to be more comfortable. “I want you to challenge Cylrit to be my retainer.”

This seemed to be too much for Caera, whose mouth fell open in surprise. She ripped off her mask, snapping the cord, and let it fall to the couch beside her. “What is happening right now?”

I disguised my own surprise beneath a wry smirk. “And what do I have to gain by doing that?”

“I will assume that is a rhetorical question, because we both know why you’re really here,” she said, her tone that of a judge delivering her verdict.

‘Tell her Scythe or nothing,’ Regis japed. ‘We aren’t playing second fiddle to anybody.’

“You don’t want me to be your retainer,” I guessed, rapidly considering the various goals she could be pursuing with this course of action. “You want me to draw attention to myself.”

She nodded, just a minute dipping of her horned head. “By defeating Cylrit and then refusing the role of retainer, you will be sending a very clear message.”

Agrona knows I’m here, I realized with absolutely certainty, wondering if Seris might even have told him herself. After all, who else would she need to send a message to. But he already has what he wants, and he doesn’t care about me anymore.

This realization struck me like a thunderclap. All this time in Alacrya, I had always assumed he would make me a priority if he discovered that I had survived my battle with Nico and Cadell. I had worried that the Scythes would kick in my classroom door or rain fire and black iron down on Windcrest Hall while I slept.

But to find out Agrona had discovered that I had not only survived but was living in his own lands, and he didn’t care…

I was conflicted, to say the least.

‘If Agrona doesn’t think we’re a threat, that’s his own dumbass miscalculation,’ Regis thought with a snarl. ‘But if the horned goddess over there wants us to expose ourselves…’

This knowledge threw my entire plan into question. While Agrona knowing I was alive—and where I was—wasn’t exactly great, Regis had a point. Dismissing me was a mistake on his part, one I was happy to capitalize on. But if I drew his attention now, showed him my power before I was ready…

“That plan seems bad for me, and I’m not sure how it benefits you either,” I hedged, curious how much of her plan Seris would give up before she made me confirm my intentions.

“Oh, come now, put that clever mind of yours to work,” she insisted, the crushing authority gone from her voice, which was once again light and teasing. “How long do you plan to run and hide?”

Sitting in front of me, Ceara remained quiet, although she still wore a confused frown, and I could see the gears in her head turning as she struggled to make sense of the conversation.

Standing straight, I looked down at the Scythe. “I’m not going to challenge Cylrit.”

Seris’s mouth thinned into a hard line.

“But I’ll still send your message,” I went on, making my decisions only as I said the words out loud. “It’ll be loud, and abundantly clear.”

Seris straightened, then stood. Even though she was quite a bit shorter than me, when she looked into my eyes it felt like she was looking down on me. “I would prefer it if you’d tell me exactly what you’re up to. I might be able to help.”

“Come on, Seris,” I said, mimicking the same teasing expression she’d worn only a moment ago, “put that clever mind of yours to work.”


Hearing Caera’s footsteps halt, I stopped and turned to face her. We were deep in the underworks, and the stone around us vibrated with the noise of cheering and battle from above.

Caera’s gaze was on the ground at my feet, what little of her features I could see behind her mask subdued.

“Trilby tie your tongue?” I asked, not trying to guess which part of my conversation with Seris had her head spinning. I couldn’t begin to imagine what kind of wild story she was creating in her mind.

Caera hummed nervously as she looked up to meet my eye. “I want you to know that you can trust me. Obviously there are a great many things I don’t know about you, and based on what I just witnessed between you and a Scythe, whatever fanciful notions I’d had up until now are woefully inaccurate.”

I scanned the dim tunnel where we’d stopped. It ended at a junction just ahead, where turning left would take us back toward the combat field and staging area, while the rightmost path would lead us back outside.

Doing some quick calculations about how much time we had before the tournament started, I smiled and held out my arm. Caera looked at me uncertainly before letting her hand rest in the crook of my elbow.

“Let’s take a walk and clear our heads for a bit before subjecting ourselves to the millions of questions likely brewing in my students’ heads,” I said with a soft chuckle.

“I’m not sure I, a humble Vritra-born highblood, deserve to be seen walking arm-in-arm with such a well-connected and mysterious figure as yourself,” she teased.

“Perhaps not, but I’ll extend you this honor just this once,” I shot back, leading her toward the exit.

The noise outside was deafening after the muffled quiet of the underworks. Merchant’s hollered, mana beasts squalled, and thousands of excited Alacryans shouted over one another to be heard.

We turned out of the crowd, moving down less densely packed alleys, although this had the drawback of making us easier targets for the many venders and gamesmen.

“Ho, sir with the golden eyes, stop here to win your beautiful lady a fine prize,” a man in a sparkly silver mask sang, waving us toward his cart.

A fat man bowed as he walked past, then practically shouted in our faces. “Gemstones! Gemstones here! Finest cut, finest color! Sapphires to match the lady’s lovely hair, or perhaps rubies for her enchanting eyes.”

For the first time in a while, I really missed being a quadra-elemental mage. A simple wind barrier spell would have made the walk a lot more peaceful.

“What are you smiling about?” Caera asked.

I fixed my face. “Nothing, just…wondering how you came to be under the tutelage of Seris.”

“Oh really?” she asked, her gaze following the line of colorful carts, tarps, and tents. “You already know more about me than perhaps anyone else in the world, while you are a locked book with pages of which are out of order, encoded, and probably written in invisible ink…” She trailed off, shooting me a wry look, then sighed. “But by all means, let’s talk about me.

“Vritra-blooded children, those of us with pure enough blood to potentially manifest Vritra magic, are not common, but we’re not so rare that each of us gets our own Scythe, either.” A woman who recognized Caera, a vendor selling extremely expensive leather goods, shouted out, and Caera gave her a small wave as we continued on. “She claimed to have chosen me because of Highblood Denoir’s standing, which of course only grew after being assigned a Vritra-blooded foster daughter, but I’ve always wondered…”

“If she knew somehow? That you’d…” I gestured at her head, where her horns were kept invisible by the teardrop pendant she wore around her neck.

“Right,” she answered. “I was…eight, maybe nine when she started training me, making me not only a Vritra-blood and adopted highblood, but also protege to a Scythe. It made for a…conflicted childhood.”

“Why do you think she has helped to keep you hidden?” I asked, lowering my voice as a group of highbloods sauntered past, dressed so brightly they could have been mistaken for peacocks. “What does she want with you?”

Caera eyed me curiously. “Are you asking for my benefit, or your own? Perhaps trying to figure out what she wants with you in the long run?” She shook her head. “I still can’t believe she asked you to be her retainer.”

“But she didn’t, really. She only wants me to fight him, remember?” I pointed out.

“Which only makes it more confusing, at least for me,” Caera said, sounding exasperated. “I won’t pressure you to explain anything—though I’ll happily listen when you decide to do so—and promise not to hold it against you if you chose to hold some things back”—Regis let out a mental snort—“but why would she want you to draw attention to yourself? From who? For what purpose?”

Caera chewed on her own tongue for a second before continuing, obviously giving voice to some thought that had been bothering here. “Are you…Scythe Seris’s concubine?”

I nearly choked on my surprise, the question catching me entirely off guard.

‘Talk about a whole new level of “keeping your enemies closer”,’ Regis thought with a barking laugh.

“No,” I finally answered, rubbing the back of my neck. “Nothing remotely like that.”

She gave me a frustrated shake of her head. “Then I just don’t understand.”

“I know,” I said, sounding suddenly tired even to my own ears, “but you will someday.”

“That’ll have to be good enough then, I suppose,” she said with a chagrined smirk. “Anyway, we best get back to your class. Their bouts should begin soon.”






im putting everything aside now so that i can read and enjoy this in peace 😌


Here we go. But driving can’t read it now. :(.


way too tired to read it now :( at least i have something to look forward to tomorrow


Glad to see a relatively short chapter after your break, hopefully that means you actually took your break and rested! Excellent chapter, the buildup is getting more intense!


Óyeme, seré el primer comentario en español. Buen capítulo turtle, amo a Arthur y me pregunto cuál será la reacción de Caera cuando se entere del pasado de Art




I thought there was going to be a surprise like an extra chapter or something?


me too, but i don't want to be greedy. Still a great chapter


Great chapter, I need moreeee. I absolutely can’t wait for Art to come out and send that message by driving nicos head through the ground.




more like this

Kevin Catambay

One of the reunions we’ve been waiting for the most and god was it satisfying! So worth the wait! Caera’s poor brain 😂 and she’s started a new ArthurxSeris headcanon ship too 😂 Thanks for the chapter, Turtle! Hope your break was awesome!


I would like to see grey explain just a little of what he has gone through before the main fight

john ross

Really nice chapter, can’t wait for more next week!!!

Jacob S

Fascinating exchange! Need More Victoriad chapters! Thanks Turtle for the chapter!


When he said "My people" I immediately thought of the Plagues song from Prince of Egypt. All things considered someday he'll surely be able to unleash plagues like that.


Can I just have a list of all of Caera’s theories now? Cause that was hysterical.


Friday mornings are always the best part of my week thanks to you Turtle. I hope your break went well and can't wait to get more into the victoriad

Kevin Catambay

Yeah hopefully a bit of a Caera pov next chapter, it would be hilarious after that exchange

Bernardo De Cabrio

Wonderful from the beginning till the end. Caera suspecting that Grey and Seris had some intimate relationship was something I anticipated but still got me to laugh my ass off.


This is a phenomenal chapter. Nice interactions and foreshadowing also. Good suspense building. Personally, I hope Grey defeats Nico and destroys his mana core without killing him. That would be a far better revenge than killing him.


i really want art to explain who he is/was to caera. i want to see her react to him being a “dead” dicathen general. what she would think of him, wound she still try to be close with him or would she tell people about him(assuming he hasn’t already draw attention by beating nico) i just really wanna know.


What exactly was the surprise turtleeeeeeee? Regardless this was an awesome chapter.


I’m just curious which scythe is he gonna challenge cause the buildup is going there. The best message to make Agrona realize his mistake in underestimating him would be to defeat Cadell/Dragoth imo. Nico is a bit to easy to guess and wouldnt be a stunner being nobody is too fond of him


He literally sent a message to nico challenhing him. so who else would he challenge.


Amazing chapter!!! cant wait till caera discovers art's true identity, thanks for the chapter Turtle!!!!


“‘Tell her Scythe or nothing,’ Regis japed. ‘We aren’t playing second fiddle to anybody.’” Best line of the chapter. Regis’s mind is gold


It is a bit confusing now. I think he might have a change of plan now that he know that pretty much everyone know his real identity.

Jamie Mcnair

How’s she gonna say “you can trust me” in the same hour as a whole scythe coming down to tell Arthur she knows his identity and so does agrona all because of ceara??💀


One of the things are not clear yet is the reason why Series is so prone to help Grey whatever he does and wherever he is, maybe in the past she was very close to Sylvie's mother or there was some kind of kinship/friendship between them..What do you think about it?


It’s good that it has gone from ”I have no intention of ever telling you” to ”You’ll know someday” it shows progress, slow but still progress


Little disappointed that their stroll didn't lead to Grey answering *any* of Caera's questions, aside from the concubine thing, or elucidating anything? What was the point of them taking that little stroll, feels like a wasted beat.


Caera ftw.. don’t get me wrong… Tessia is sweet.. but also a naive, young, princess who always needs saving… Caera on the other hand.. a badass, sexy grown ass woman who dont want no one’s help… she’s more of a partner.. way better for Art


I would like Art to be able use Mana and Ether. His core could be healed from a Godrune or something like that. I would love to see that


j'avoue être d'accord avec toi en tous cas super chapitre


Thank you TurtleMe for providing us the Caera &amp; Seris art, together with a new chapter which includes them in it. Now my mind can't stop imagining them whenever I re-read the chapter. *LoL* The gears inside my head is working hard to guess what kind of game is Agrona really want from knowing that Grey is alive and has been letting him grew stronger, hopefully it will be a really surprise twist plot... "Are you...Scythe Seris' concubine?" *LoL* I laughed really hard on Caera's question there, now I know why she was staring at Grey with eyes the size of full moons and her jaw clenched tightly when Seris mentioned "debt" to Grey. "... whatever fanciful notions I'd had up until now are woefully inaccurate." Oh dear Caera, if just you know whatever fanciful notions, we TBATE fans have for you and Grey, your eyes might bulge out from surprise. *LoL* I really hope TurtleMe will be able to make the most out of the scene when Grey's students rain him down with questions about his relationship with Caera and Seris, more dramas please before the action starts.


Greetings of Brazil, Turtle! Amazing cap, i just can’t understand Seris intentions, if she thinks that Grey has to challenge a mere retainer (this level of power), why she want that he “appears”, this might be dangerous to Grey (if his power were at a retainer lvl) . Btw i don’t think that will be Nico that Grey will fight, Nico is to coward to this and probably Turtle will preservate him for the “main dish”.

Jesse Gibson

Ugh, I utterly enjoyed this entire chapter. I almost spit my drink when Caera asked if he was Seris’s concubine lmao talk about fanciful notions (but would probably also be a hot combo I dig it hahaha). I love Seris and Art’s dynamic, the back and forth and teasing. I also think I understand why she pushing Art so much to reveal himself. Both he and Argona have become complacent in their views of each other-the need for action is there but there’s no urgency. As Art has finally realized that he’s basically nothing to Argona now. Argona doesn’t even see him, he’s useless and not thought enough of about to need to be taken care of. And Argona is blind and therefore lost in his illusion of controlling Cecile and making her completely his. I think the only reason he even thought to mention Art to Nico is because he figures it’s ok if either die. If Nico can take care of Art, then great, if Art can get rid of Nico even better than there would be no one bothering him and Cecile. I personally think he was hoping Art would take Nico out for him which would probably also cement hate in Ceciles mind of Art and her false memories. Either way, Seris is pushing for Art to become stronger faster and wants him to feel the urgency and hoping maybe this will push him into doing that… although I don’t know how much faster he can actually move considering he has to go through the relictombs. Or maybe he’ll have another epiphany while fighting, he does tend to grow that way as well. After this talk, I have a feeling though that fighting Nico isn’t really going to do anything. It really wouldn’t have much impact on the message he wants to send, I think he’ll probably push for one of the stronger Scythes. Maybe not one he’s met yet. But who knows, maybe it will be something so entirely different than what any of us are thinking. Turtle is amazing at keeping us on our toes. Thank you for your hard work Turtle! I can’t wait for the next chapter !


They did have a great dynamic and I agree, I don't think he can become stronger any faster and with every relic, he needs inspiration. Correct me if I'm wrong but Nico is a Scythe right? I think the weakest one though? Art/Grey, just has to learn how to use this relic he just got and somebody help me out but doesn't he only have one or two more Relictombs to go through? (Not sure if there was ever a definitive number of tombs). Don't forgot that Agrona, supposedly told Cecilia what caused her to die. So there's no telling what he really told her or how much info he left out or lies he put in that conversation.

Jesse Gibson

He hasn’t actually made her a love interest though. He’s hinted at thoughts of Art but has never actually come right out and said she had feelings for him. Granted everyone else seems to think that’s the case. And by everyone I mean the other characters


I'm a relatively new subscriber to you patreon and i genuinely want to say this is easily one of the best stories I've ever read lol Grey is the goat


So, the Victoriad is where we will confirm Art’s real power level! I really hope he doesn’t disappoint us. It annoys me that he hasn’t taken much time mastering the abilities and relics he acquired. I would even support a time skip just for him to train. He really needs more training. Also, I can’t wait for him to get back home as his ability to improve mana of those around him will be very helpful for his people.

Jesse Gibson

Someone mentioned to me about a time relic, it would be awesome if he found one like when he trained with the asuras… that would be crazy awesome, then he could spend that time without actually losing time.


Will beast wills be coming back in the future? it seems like a fun concept that was kinda forgotten about after tess got the corrupted will

Bernardo De Cabrio

Well, maybe not forgotten, but definitely put on the back burner. In one of the recent Ellie chapters it was confirmed that beast wills are a thing in Epheoteus and seeing as how the corrupted beast will probably still hold (extreme) value to the story's narrative, as well as a few characters of importance having a beast will (Virion, Ellie, Curtis). TL; DR: Probably.


this maybe my favourite chapter in the series!!!


never get why some authors collects lots of chapters but waits a week to post it 1 by 1, truly hate waiting a whole week to read something fun, but thenagain i got something to wait for and use my money on instead of food xD reason to why im interested in this story its because it does not drift off to something else than what it started as, its like having made an op character but suddenly in the middle a sub character gets added but is more op but gonna train main char, and the story changes from that point on, here its more like a character is born with his memories but has no power at all, he builds it up over time and everything consist of what happened in the beginning there is no weird or forced in plots that trails off from the original story, its not like the jojo series where they just removes a whole entire consept to make a new one and tries to make the first consept forgetable, so all in all this is a good consistent story with a good character development pacing details interesting characters and good plot


Just got caught up after about a 2 month long hiatus of reading, oh boy I was not ready for this! Absolutely amazing work TurtleMe! Can't wait to see how this all plays out. I am a bit worried that Nico vs Arthur round 2 will be a bit one sided. I personal hope (but I'm sure you already have a game plan) that this goes against the grain for this genre (constant misunderstandings being the reason for conflict, not that it is a bad thing, its actually very realistic, but its just a bit overused) and actually have things be explained to Nico, the seeds of distrust towards Argona seem to be planted, so I would love for them to actually hash things out/fight it out, then set aside their differences and finally come to an understanding. Then they could work together and be able to fight Argona to save Cecilia/Tessia together (but that is waaay in the future). It would be a good parallel and resolution in the sense that it truly would be Arthur doing what he wished he could have done in his past life. "The epic team up that they never got to have" sort of vibe haha

dr yeet

Yeah I was thinking the same thing it would be like in the kings crown tournament but this time aurther actually helps nico this time


I live for Regis one liners.

Jennie (Eirine)

The sheer volume of sarcasm in this chapter is pure bliss. And laughing so, SO hard and poor Caera trying to figure out what in blazes is actually going on!! XD


another chapter and more grey x caera ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


Caera is currently way too good for Grey. He owes her some trust and a sharing of information about himself at this point. It isn't like her knowing could possibly hurt him. He has nothing to hide from her anymore and everything to gain by telling her the truth.


Think he’s just scared to tell the truth and worried that she’ll betray him. Caera best waifu