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This is an old extra chapter that I had lying around for some of my veteran pledges! I thought now would be a good time to just let the rest of my pledges see as well! Just a light-hearted chapter that took place back in volume 2-3. (It has nothing to do with plot) 

Enjoy :)


Hello, Alice Leywin here; Mother of two, wife of one.

It’s come to my attention recently that I don’t have much to do with all my spare time.  My handsome son is off most likely breaking records at Xyrus Academy while my husband and daughter are gone for the majority of the day either for work or for school. 

I had always been told that having a son would be much easier than having a daughter, but if I were to be told of such now, I might just have to object. 

Growing up with two strong men, my daughter did become a bit spoiled, but she did have her manners and was rather grounded.  I would like to say the same thing for my son.  I wish I had to worry about him being immature and rambunctious, but it’s actually the opposite that has been making me lose hair.

No, seriously… I blame Arthur for every extra strand that comes loose while I comb or wash my hair.

But how can I possibly stay mad at my only son?  No, no… I think I’ve told you this before, but I’m not a doting mother; I’m a firm believer in raising my children with discipline.


Every time my son goes out somewhere, it seems like he always attracts trouble; I swear he is a bad luck magnet.  He probably got that from his father.

Anyways!  As a way to distract me from over-worrying when I’m at home doing chores, my dear friend Tabitha suggested that I join her for her get-togethers with all of her other fancy acquaintances. 

I objected at first.  You see, I’m not so good with chatting and gossiping with the wealthy, who do nothing but brag about what they have. 

Still, Tabitha practically begged me, saying that these people were crazy and she needed me there.

I asked her why she even bothered going, but it seemed that she was tied to make these appearances for the sake of connections with the wife of partners to their Helstea Auction House.

I didn’t really have an excuse so I relented and decided to join her. I should do at least this much for her since she is my dearest friend, but she promised me a whole fresh cream cake from the bakery that I adored, so I had that to look forward to as well.


So here I am, sitting in a round coffee table, regretting that I ever listened to Tabitha.

“Hoho, my husband and I bought this coffee table at an exquisite new craftmen’s store down on Alleywood Way!  It’s carved from a single piece of wood from a thousand year old tree near Elshire Forest that is said to have healing properties when near.  Don’t you ladies just feel the tranquility while being near it?” a rather boney lady with one too many accessories on her, boasted.

Poor tree…

“Well my husband just bought my son a staff for his birthday.  I promised not to brag, but that limited edition staff was worth over 60 gold.  We didn’t want to spoil him, but he did get into Xyrus this year after all,” bragged a chubby lady with a hooked nose.

Goodness!  I wonder how many fresh cream cakes I could buy with that kind of money!

“Tabitha, doesn’t your daughter attend Xyrus as well?  You must be blessed by the heavens!  How can there be such a miracle where two nonmages could produce a mage, and one with such talent, no less!” the boney lady exclaimed. 

Underneath the sheet of pleasantries and compliments, there was a bit of sting in her words. 

Why I ought to…

“Haha, yes.  I’m rather blessed that my daughter was able to become a mage.  She’s currently working hard in the student council,” Tabitha countered.

“Oh I heard the student council wasn’t as great as they used to be.  They must have become rather lax on the qualifications on joining,” harrumphed the hooked nose tubby.

This boasting competition was escalating the wrong way, fast.

“I heard that too!  My son says it’s all about the Disciplinary Committee!  He was bragging to me about how awesome they were and how each one of them were students picked solely on skills.  I’m sure that committee will be recruiting my son shortly,” another woman that looked like she put on way too much makeup added on.

The hooked nose lady clapped her hands in excitement as she said, “Yes, yes!  My son told me about that too!  That was actually one of the reasons he used to convince us to buy him that staff.  He said he was going to become part of the Disciplinary Committee as well and needed a weapon worthy enough to get him there!  Sigh~ kids these days.  They have such passion, such ambition.”

“Dear us!  Ladies~ we’ve been keeping our new member out of the conversation!  Your name was Aliciandra, right?” the unhealthily thin lady said as she let out an exaggerated gasp.

Where in the world did she pull a name like Aliciandra?

“It’s just Alice, and I’m quite all right.  I’d rather just listen and enjoy,” I responded, giving what I hoped was a pleasant smile.

“Now now, don’t be shy, Aliciandra.  Tabitha tells me your husband works for their auction house and that you’re living with them.  Do you have any children?”  The rather chubby, hooked nose lady scooted her chair closer to me in interrogation.

“Yes, I have a son and daughter,” I answered tautly before taking a sip of tea.

“How old are they?  Did they awaken yet?”  The hooked nose lady was only inches from my face, leaving me uncomfortably shifting away.

As if boasting about money wasn’t enough, I guess they had to display their children like commodities to heighten their ego.

“My daughter has yet to awaken…” I took another sip from my tea, hoping that I was getting my point across that I had no intention to indulge their shallow curiosities.

“So that means your son has awakened? What stage is his core at?  My son, William, just broke into the solid red stage shortly attending Xyrus.  Sigh~ I was considered a pretty fast for my age when I was younger; it can’t be helped when genes matter so much,” the hooked nose lady stuck her chin out.

“Gabriella~ you’re being rude.  I’m sure Alice isn’t comfortable with talking about all of this, especially because of the background she comes from,” the thin lady scolded in a rather arrogant tone.

I spotted Tabitha’s brows furrowing in annoyance.

“Well that’s why I’m asking about her children!  It’s not like she has anything worth bragging about besides them,” The hooked nose lady, I guess Gabriella was her name, scoffed.

“Now hold on just one…” As Tabitha shot up from her seat, I pulled her arm back down.

“It’s fine, Tabitha,” I gave her a pleasant smile back, which, for some reason, made her face contort in fear.

“Ladies, I’d rather not waste my time boasting about what mystical items you have in your castles, but if you are that curious about my personal life, allow me to indulge”—I licked my lips before I began—“My 12 years old son is currently a Solid Yellow core elemental mage.  The famous Disciplinary Committee?  He happens to be one of the members.  He told me, quite nonchalantly, not too long ago that he was a professor now as well so he might actually be teaching your son’s class.  Don’t worry, I’ll tell him to be nice to your son, since we have a relationship after all. Oh, and his girlfriend is the only princess of the entire elf kingdom,” I said as I tilted my head in a friendly manner.

“Please ask the peerless geniuses you deem your sons if they know who Arthur Leywin is.” I get up from my seat, pulling Tabitha up with me.  “Now, good day to you ladies.” 

“W-What?  How dare…” Some of the ladies had blank expression on their faces as if their mouths were stuffed with their own foul ego.

“I said good day!”  I curtsey extra cutely before bouncing away, Tabitha in tow.

“You know, Alice, sometimes, you scare me the most,” My dear friend says while shaking her head.

I smile back innocently, “What ever do you mean by that?  Now, let’s go get that fresh cream cake.  Your treat.”  



I loved the way alice just lashed out and revealed everything.


"Hehe." so simple yet so devious XP XD, and damn was that a harsh comeback, Good job Alice, Loved the chapter, thanks Turtle.


man wish I had mom cool as half as that


Everything? She left out the part where her "12 year old son" is a quadra-Elemental with 2 deviant abilities.


let's not ignore that Alice called tessia arts girlfriend... Sneaky sneaky I see