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Edit 7/19: Clarified that the last chapter of Volume 11 is the epilogue, not Ch. 480.

Hi there!

I wanted to give you a quick update regarding the novel’s planned return date for both Patreon and Tapas. Originally, we aimed to launch Volume 12 on July 5th, but we will need to postpone our full return until July 19th to spend more time editing Vol. 11 and preparing for the final volume in the series. We understand this might be disappointing, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding!

However, I have some exciting news that will hopefully make the wait worthwhile. In the meantime, I’ll be releasing two Patreon-exclusive extra chapters. These will be released to Asuras & Lances on June 28th and July 12th, ensuring that you still have new content to enjoy until our return.

To prevent any spoilers, these are only available to tiers who have read Vol. 11 Epilogue (Asuras & Lances). But these will become available to all tiers as soon as your tier has access to Vol. 11 Epilogue, so you will have extra to read that week!

Additionally, I wanted to give you all a heads-up that I will most likely be taking a break sometime during Vol. 12 as well to ensure everything is wrapped up properly. I will continue to keep you updated on this ^^

Thank you for your continued support and dedication! I look forward to releasing these special chapters!



Caden Pugh

So new chapter today right?? Or flaking for a second extension??

Forced Draft

So chapter 481 is on July 27 0100h?