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Hello, all! It is I, your go--friendly neighborhood turtle!

I’m well aware there’s been some interesting developments with the comic over the past year and more. Starting from the departure of fuyuki23 and the long hiatus that followed shortly after, to the reveal of the cover as well as the KKP event page being spread around with the launch date 5/18.

Over the last half year, I’ve had the pleasure of working with the new team, and like all new relationships, there have been some initial challenges and a learning curve that both sides had to become accustomed to. Despite all of that, I am confident in the new season and can only see us getting better as the season progresses. I understand this is a big change, but I hope you approach this transition with understanding and continue to love TBATE as you all have for so long.

As for the KakoPage 5/18 date roaming around the internet, I will confirm that, yes, TBATE will be launching in Korea on 5/18 (KST). Yes, I am aware I haven’t made an announcement for the English launch date on Tapas. That is on purpose. I wanted to not only be confident in the date that I decided to launch as well as be mindful that you all have been patiently waiting for the comic to return for over a year. That being said, I’m happy to announce that the launch date has been confirmed and approved by all parties.

The date of launch on Tapas will be announced this coming week. I’m sorry that I can’t be as open as I want to be, but I promise that you will not be disappointed.

That’s all for now! Thank you for being patient and I hope that the coming season will make you excited and renew your love for the comic again.


Nope Nope

Thank you for all of your hard work! I’m excited for the return of the comic and seeing the story I love illustrated once more. 🎉


You’ve handled things very well during this Hiatus, TurtleMe. I’m sure it’s been very stressful to get the gears turning and to update your dedicated fanbase. Please know despite any negative appearances, we’re very understanding and happy that you’ve taken your time with this process. We’re glad you decided to be slow and meticulous instead of dumping a rushed disappointment on us. You’ve been working very hard between writing a novel and getting season 6 of the comic going, and we’re very proud of you for working so hard. Thanks for everything, TurtleMe :)