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as you may noticed I completely reworked Aerith's model, added her freehair style with another few changes.

Here's the animation:






It's well done (animation-wise and the pose / pussysex is hot too) - but her breasts are sadly too big here. I hope there's still a slider in place to make them smaller again (if not set as standard). I support and love the canon bodytype-model. There are more than enough big breasted models out there. And also more than enough with freehair. Having options is certainly nice - but I don't like seeing changes done to her that make her less unique (noticeable deviations from the canon model). :'( And I also prefer to see Cloud at her side (team Clerith). ^^


I appreciate the feedback, I'm not so sure about her breast size being that different other than the lower angle, indeed I do love her original proportions too, it was hard to start from scratch as of why it too so long but I may get to work on her model again soon. As for who she's paired with, it may vary depending of what scene I'm trying to do, ^^;