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Still needs some work but should be functional for some good animations :)

Like with all my models, you will need to install the Rigtools add on if you haven't yet. 

If you notice anything weird with the model please let me know either here or at my twitter

-This model is compatible with Blender 3.2 and newer versions,
loading it in any of the previous version may not work.

-To view the UI menu when appending the model in other projects, you need to
click on the armature for it to show up on the right side tool bar.

-The Rig tools add-on is required to have access to the "head/neck follow lock" and
"IK-FK" snapping settings for limbs in the active workspace and tool menu.

(If you have the full version of Auto-rig pro don't install this, this is only     
required for animators that don't own the full version)

-Install rig-tools like any add-on (preferences>Add-ons>Install>select zip
(press the check box to activate.)

-If you have questions about how to utilize the ARP rig, check the rig's FAQ page:


-Also if you ever get in any trouble while using the menu: https://github.com/Mustard2/MustardUI/wiki/Users-FAQs

-Use 7zip to extract the textures to avoid any issues.

-If you got missing textures (pink) check out this tutorial:

-If you still got missing textures it's most likely your zip file containing the
textures got damaged during the download and some texture files were damaged,
try downloading again.

-Tip: If you append the model, and don't plan to use all the outfits, delete the meshes
and collections you won't use to save you some memory.
Don't forget to go to >File>clean up>Recursive unused data-blocks. (can be done via MustardUI as well)

Updates 2.01

  • Topology fixes
  • Added particle pubic hair 
  • Fixed issues with smooth modifier in certain body areas
  • Reworked the skin to be more realistic
  • Updated MustardUI menu to the latest version with extra options.

Update 3.0

  • Updated MustardUI (ver 0.25)
  • Updated rig
  • Fixed issue with smoothing reducing quality of certain areas of the mesh
  • Added Pubic Hair
  • Updated hair shader
  • Updated body shape






I've been trying to use this for a project but every time I try to render, he comes out looking almost burnt. This is even with a fresh download of both the model and textures. Any idea how to fix? https://i.imgur.com/a1HGkfd.jpeg


Check out "File>External Data>Report missing files" if you got a yellow text reporting missing textures, it's most likely it didn't detect the normal textures for some reason. If that's the case, then go to "File>External Data>Find Missing files" and select the texture folder. I loaded the model just now and it works fine for me, I can only imagine this could be the cause when downloading it.


Gave it a shot, but the only missing file was the mustardui.py one, which, fixed that but it's still doing the thing.


Really strange, can you send me the project file on a dm to take a look if I get the same error? There could be a number of things.


Sure thing! I'm at work ATM but I'll throw it your way once I get home.