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My friends, I managed to paint the pallets yesterday, oof! That was a lot of painting!

Instead of spraying them with a dark primer, as is my usual routine, I tried flooding them with thick coats of enamel wash. This provided a good shadowy undercoat for acrylics, and I think it led to more natural results because the coverage was uneven, and the wood also absorbed the paints irregularly.

I tried to add lots of variation, some pallets are dark, others pale, some cold and grey, others warm and vivid. All according to references. Skin tones are excellent for fresh, warm wood. I discoveded this during the creek vignette and it opens up so many new options!

I was already tired in the evening, but I test-fitted a couple to the Puma. Well, it’s gonna look very interesting! That’s on the menu today.

In other news, the X-ray went good. And vecause the metal plates in my leg don’t limit me in any way, there’s no urgent need to extract them. So this was probably my last check-up regarding this injury. At least until I change my mind and decide to get rid of the metal 😊




Awesome that you're doing great after that crazy injury pal. Part of me wonders that if you did have the metal removed, how long would it take before a piece of it appeared in a diorama, painted in mid-grey and subjected to light rust wash..... Love and thinner fumes from Australia mate. Love your work!


with a few rust effects would be good, i have a plate in my Arm (motorcycle issue )and it does make the Airport Bing . Great work uncle looking forward to the Video