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My friends, this unexpected and unexpectedly large project has finally reached its conclusion. If there's anything to be learned from this diorama, it's being smart when choosing your projects. If your life is busy, a complicated project might take you forever to finish - or you might slowly lose your mind if you want to finish it in a reasonable amount of time! 

It's also one of the most quickly escalated projects I've done so far, if not the most. What started as a shelf queen that was almost doomed to the trash bin turned into a pretty interesting painting exercise where I finally tried a completely rusted-out tank. As with all my models now, it was asking for a scenic base to put it into context, but the tank is so large it required a hefty diorama. And a large diorama with lots of empty space calls for a building as a backdrop! 

Anyway, I'm most happy to have this done, even more so because the video is exporting right now. And most importantly, I have chosen the next model! I'll start working on it tomorrow after I do some house work (again!) 



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