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My friends, the multi-colored diorama base you've been seeing for a few weeks is no more. It's ready for ground texture, vegetation and all the extra fun stuff 😁The only thing that makes me slightly sad is another mishap in my composition. The road is perfectly diagonal, so much so it connects both corners of the base, lol. I should've predicted that, but to my defense, when I was planning the layout I was trying to avoid as many "empty" spots as possible, because these mean extra features. I ended up doing a tree so I couldn't avoid that anyway, but it's a good lesson for another base. 

This time I'm very happy with the sides though. I used balsa planks again, but this time I had a good, smooth wood filler (that's a lot of oo's 😁). I spread it evenly with a small spatula and sanded it down. The surface feels very smooth and I was able to round the edges. Just super slick all around! 

As a small final bonus I decided to make a concrete milestone marker. Made again from styrofoam, painted with greyish tones and stippled with the same white wood filler for texture. The top will be yellow, the bottom white, and I want to put some info on it. I just need to look at the map of Belgium to figure out where I'll situate the scene :) 




Just gone over everything you have been up to. As for 3 days I have forensically taken my workshop apart looking for a part that flew off its stick while being air brushed....anyway I have the bit now and all happy again. What you build sometimes is how modelling really should be done. I never tire of looking at your work and always take something away to have a go at. Even if modelling at my house is a million miles away in realty.

Paul Garrity

Liking this Martin. The two figures look really good. Looking forward to you bringing the Dio to life


Thanks a lot! Hate those moments when some part disappears even if I can pinpoint its location by the sound it made. What I hate even more is when I find it 2 months later...