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Just before it all gets covered up with chips, dust and mud 😁



Travis Coffey

Martin, a question if I may? What is your process for painting paint that is peeling and flaking around rust? Is that even really noticeable in 1/35 scale.


I haven't done it yet, mostly because in this scale it would only make sense on a heavily rusted out wreck. I've seen people scraping some paint off with a hobby blade to make the raised edge of the paint, and Mig demonstrated another method in his first FAQ book. Basically he'd apply Maskol over an unpainted model with a sponge and then stipple some putty on the surface (you could use several layers of primer instead) and then removed the masking fluid. That will create the uneven surface you're looking for - the "raised" parts are paint, and the ones which were covered with Maskol are gonna be rust.

Travis Coffey

Excellent! Thanks for the info!