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Some unbiased opinions about paints, thinners, primers and what goes together and what doesn't 😁


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Jacek Czmer

Happy New Year Martin. I have similar experiences about Ammo Acrylics. No matter if I use their dedicated thinner or leveling thinner, I can't achieve a smooth surface. Fortunately the Tamiya or Hataka orange series clear varnish helped to smoothen the surface. I like that there are so many ready to use colors in Ammo color range, but other than that they are just well advertised and have a great marketing. I find it strange that Mig created a video how to paint using his acrylics because it actually should be straightforward like with Vallejo or AK acrylics and not a rocket science. IMO the worst product of Ammo acrylics is their Lucky varnish. I have never had enough luck with it. Mission models. I must say I have also had problems spraying them by airbrush. Their poly additive is a crap because I had to throw out two almost new bottles of it. And it is not the single case. I like using nitro thinner for cleaning airbrush parts. It is not that aggressive as pure acetone and it does not evaporate that quickly. But again, you have to be careful with plastic and rubber parts.


Happy New Year Martin....excellent video in your ever honest style. Personally I love Lifecolor for spraying it appears many don’t (thin coats are the trick) and Vallejo for brushing....bit concerning that Ammo paints can be a pig to use as I bought the IDF colours pack before Christmas for use on my D9R....think I will test them first on my cheap tamiya Merkava 1 now though....I found the best non corrosive cleaner is IPA mixed with water and car screen wash ( not much though, it acts like a degreaser and helps give the cleaner a blue tinge to stop my confusion!) so far it has cleaned my airbrush better than anything on the market without destroying seals.....but like you this are my preferences and they work for me (why reinvent the wheel..although I should have gone with my gut feeling and stayed with Lifecolor for the IDF...the ammo pack was cheap...what can I say 🤗).....thanks for the video....looking forward to 2021! Stay safe Uncle!


Oh my, and I just threw away a bottle of AK Nitro thinner last weekend not knowing what it is supposed to be 😁 You're spot on about advertising - did anyone ever notice any strong marketing campaigns for Tamiya paints? I certainly didn't, their reputation is the best form of promotion 😁


I have a bottle of Lifecolor IDF Sandgrey because I feel like it's the most authentic paint to date. It has that nice greyish/greenish/sandy/hard to pinpoint tone. Your cleaner mixture definitely works with Lifecolors, however if you tried washing your AB after using Tamiya paints, I'm afraid the water additive would cause some issues. But again, that's specific to acrylic/lacquer hybrids which need stronger solvents. Try thinning the Ammo paints with Lifecolor thinner, maybe it'll end up in better results!