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Enjoy in 4K 😊


Earth Tones


Manuel Garcia Urreta

hey man!! great great video! the quality is fantastic. I don't have a 4k TV but on my iPad it looks terrific. I almost exploded when you smelled the acetone!! haha joke aside, so you use any kind of respirator during building and painting? I mean, even the plastic cement smeels but (it's actually some sort of acetone I think)


It definitely looks better even on smaller screens. The 1080p started to feel unwatchable since I switched to a 27 inch monitor. Yeah some modelling stuff smells horribly, but I don't have any respirator, just keep my room well ventilated. I can imagine it would get really annoying having it on my face all the time, almost every day.


Companies should take a leaf out of Adam Wilders book and make everything smell like vanilla or chocolate 😋