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Here we go... I made sure to include the end of the gun barrel 😄



Harold M. Adams

You made that T90 shine! Beautiful work! Highly detailed! 🗣Well Done Sir!

Richard Kelly

Fantastic job (as always!). One question though, is there any damage on the upper hull from the impact which destroyed the ERA tiles on the turret? I don't know if there would be any or if you've done it and I missed it? An amazing job. Makes me want to crack out my MENG T-72B :-) Cheers.


Thanks! One photo shows the stowage boxes on the left side removed, so I suppose they did receive some splash damage from the impact, but there's no way to tell. It's totally possible the impact went on the upper side of the ERA blocks and it was deflected upwards... But either way, removing the boxes would be quite difficult since they were molded as part of the upper hull. Not saying it would be impossible, just not exactly "easy, quick and fun" 😁