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Good late evening my beautiful humans, it's 2 in the morning right now, so pretty standard night shift stuff, and I'm glad to report that I'm almost done with the tracks. There are some tweaks I wanna make tomorrow, mainly add some more dry tones on the inner sides because they turned out quite monotonous, and I also figured a way how to make the mud on the hull more interesting, which I'll keep for later. 

Now I weathered them pretty much the same way as the ones for the Rutscher, except one thing. I mixed the dark mud tone from Ammo with "Pigment Texture" from VMS, which seems like a plaster at a first glance, but it's rather a colorless pigment. You'll see it in the video, it created this amazing substance that really made the dark mud tone look better, and I'll apply it on the hull as well (in the last episode). 

Anyway, tomorrow I'll finish these bad boyos and finally attach them to the tank. Can't wait! But for now, I'm headed towards mah bed! 



Mircea Gui

This came out really special, but exactly how what I expected of you. Everything is so blended up together, it came looking very "normal" :)). Awesome job man, it was a ride to see this progress.


Ohhh we're not done yet, even though I wish we were 🤣 Although it won't change very drastically, but there are still tons of those finishing tiny effects left to add. Also I will slightly rework the mud splatters on the back, that will be maybe the most drastic change... and maybe I will add that bucket that I promised wayyy back when starting this project!