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Hiya there good folks, TLDR inbound...

I got the spare tracks finished, at least those on the hull 😊 Now that I know the procedure, painting those on the turret will be a simple task! And I'm also painting the exhausts simultaneously... Please note the second photo, I'll talk about it in the second paragraph.

I wanna talk a bit about that "now that I know the procedure" part. Turns out, I haven't painted any type of spare tracks in years... and my last, and probably first ones until now, were a very muddy spares for my 3 inch Gun Carrier, which were painted quite differently than those. As such, I pretty much didn't know what to do! The result on the second photo is what I came up with in the afternoon. At that moment I had this "let's get this done AFAP (as fast as possible 😄) so I can edit the video during the night. The result made me frustrated, I hated myself for that parody of what I wanted to present to you, and Youtube. I was seriously at a loss and I didn't know how to improve it. Seriously...

So I gave up, went for a walk (luckily we have a pretty rural countryside, great for thinking), because our weather dropped from 18 degrees to 1 in a single day, so no riding in the mountains today lol... and after about an hour and a half I came back with a clear head, relaxed, and feeling much better, took a shower, sat back at the bench, grabbed a bunch of weird paints such as a dark wash, medium yellow and light orange oil paints, made a bit of powdered graphite, and suddenly ended up with the result in photo 1... when I got the first track segment look like this I even loudly yelled YES!! 

What was my point with all of this? I dunno... Maybe I wanted to share that feeling we all know very well... that we did our best, yet we still hate the outcome... Or that the hobby which is meant to make us relax can instead do the exact opposite. Or maybe that stepping back for a while can make a world of difference. OR!!! The rule I keep saying all the time, and seems like I was trying to break it today... take your time, don't rush things! 

If nothing else, at least now I know how to paint spare tracks 🤣 Or maybe I should've just painted them silver and call it a win-win situation for everyone. 



Matt Stunts

Great effect. Can't wait for the video tutorial. Finding some nice tutorial about apare tracks is almost imposible, so it will be much helpfull. I also like to take my worbench time, haste often leads to defeat and finally to discouragement.

Jon Sugg

Phwoar! I can smell those tracks, if that makes sense.


There's one short tutorial on Wilder's website, but it's really short, basically a few basic steps and suddenly boom, magic happened!