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Heya friends,

today was again without any benchtime (it's becoming a standard 😫), but of course I spent some quality time at the digital workbench. Turns out all 3D parts which I made before I bought the model were completely inaccurate and overly large (how shocking 😂), so I did some of them all over again, using measurements from the kit. 

It seems to me that some of them might push the printer to the limit, and they already might be beyond what's printable. Guess I'll find out when the printer arrives... Also, I'm not sure if it's really worth it recreating every part of plumbing in 3D and printing it. It might be easier to just drill out openings for the wires on the original parts, but then again, the tolerances are very tight and we all know how it's almost impossible to drill a perfectly aligned hole inside a circle. 

The last 2 pictures are parts completely missing in the kit. The only measurement for those were openings for the pipes, which I guesstimated from the existing parts... for example that "bracket" is gonna hold 2 hydraulic pipes powering the left gun elevating piston, and according to the kit part I assumed the correct pipe thickness would be around 1,3 mm, so this was my reference point for the rest of the part 😬 And if it turns out later that my guess was incorrect, I can simply rescale and print the part again. 

Anyway, tomorrow we'll be back at the analog workbench with the Tiger! 




Ha you’re like me and overthinking things. I’ve no idea how fine these things can print but they will surely improve. Just think in time we won’t buy kits you’ll just click on a file and the kit will print out for you to build lol although I like buying kits so maybe not 🤔