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My amigos, seems like I underestimated the situation. I was only able to corrode the turret and the wheels... I mean, damn... but tomorrow I'll definitely finish the hull! 

A little observation, since I haven't  done this before - blended rust tones look so good on panzer grey. Very subtle, and they enhance that metal panzer look. Also, did you notice that I fixed the chipping on the gun sleeve? That one section I said I'll leave as it is? 😆



Matt Stunts

Looks great, blending the rust tones is one from small techniques that make big different. So it seems like those chipped gun sleeve make a few your night sleepless until you fixed it. ( I forgot that almost all your night are sleepless :D )


Subtle rust effects make the chipping more "complete" so to say 😊 And yes lol, the gun sleeve was pretty much the first thing I did right after that post where I said I'll leave it as it is 😄 Just a quick fix - I carefully stippled some of the original Olivegreen (glad I stored it in a spare tamiya glass jar) with a sponge, and then re-did the chipping.