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My friends, I’m not saying that every detail in the scene is built, but it’s time to put some paints on what we already have to see the final picture more clearly!

It’s also worth saying that overcluttering the scene might lead to detrimental results. So lwt’s paint these elements and then see if there’s something else that needs to be added 😊



Quintin Paparella

Awesome! Looking better by the picture!!

Dean Laughlin

I'm liking the scene and composition but I have serious doubts about those 2 shells, they were plausible until you added the welder. Even in the 40's would they be that close? Artistic licence and all that but realistically I doubt it.


They are on the actual photos of the vehicle https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DccPoc8W4AUlsfl?format=jpg&name=medium