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“Just for the fuck of it”

BLAMMO THIS IS ALL DONE! Been working on this for like 2 straight days now, I got hit with a blast of inspiration after listening to ‘To Noise Making (Sing)’ by Hozier, ‘Movement’ also by Hozier, and some random assortment of classical music as some secondary inspiration. But To Noise Making was definitely the main lightbulb moment.  I had a LOT of fun with this! Me and Telefates were chatting about Finn and Blake recently and weve both been hit with some insane ideas, it’s been really nice. While I was drawing this I ended up drawing from a lot of things and meanings, n I poured a lotta love into it. Me and Connor have been close for around 10 years now n he means such a lot to me, n I’m bad with words so I figured I’d let the art do the talking this time around. It’s real softie hours. It’s nice to see how much our fursonas (and us by extension) have changed over the years, especially looking back at older art of these two drawn by either of us. We grew up.

I tried to push myself to not over think this one either, I often get intimidated by my own ideas once I get to the flat colours stage because I have a tendency to over work and over complicate my own art bc I’ve built up the piece as something grand in my head, so for this one I was making a conscious effort to dial it back n keep it elegant in simplicity. I think I did a good job! I’m definitely pleased with the result, it came out exactly how I envisioned it in my head. I hope you guys like it as well!! : D


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This is ABSOLUTELY stunning, oh my gosh!! You really popped off with this one


BLAKE !!! this is ABSOLUTELY phenomenal ARHRHGH, the detailing youve put into this piece is mad insane, your dedication really really shows through !! oh my goshh this piece is so gorgeous <33