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Hello my friends! I apologise in advance as I think this post will be rather long and wordy, but I’ve been meaning to make it for a while and I feel as of now is the perfect time for all of these updates.

I’ll start off with the long and short - I will be completely rebranding and making changes to the Patreon tiers, which will be implemented from March 2024 onwards. I want to leave enough time to completely update everybody on the future changes, as well as give myself enough time to adjust to said changes, because truthfully I’m very nervous. But ok, that’s enough rambling.

Whats changing?
I will be making changes to my £2 tier, £5 tier, my £10 tier, as well as introducing a brand new tier. The changes will include new aesthetic changes to suit my rebrand as I roll that out, as well as some small tier benefit changes. Mostly, I’m shifting around some benefits here and there to adjust the balance of the tiers, and hopefully make the workload feel more manageable for me. 

As well as Patreon changes, I will be making changes to the Discord server soon. Nothing too major, mostly aesthetic changes as well as some work on bots and making the server more secure. Between now and sometime in February, I will be locking the server down for maintenance while I work on said changes. I will also ask that everyone is sure to check that they have their Patreon account connected to their Discord so going forward the appropriate bots can assign you your tier roles and said roles will update accordingly. I plan to make role assigning in the discord more automated and more reliable! Though, the Discord will mostly be getting an aesthetic update. 

Why am I implementing these changes? 

I’ve had my Patreon for a few years now, and my tiers have stayed pretty much the same as when I first launched, which has felt less sustainable for me as time has gone on, and I don’t feel as if I’m fully delivering the best I can to each tier. Commissions have been my full time job since I left college, and in the last year I’ve decided that going forward I would like to enter a new career path as doing commissions full time doesn’t feel sustainable for me anymore long term, financially nor mentally. Having said that, I don’t plan on stopping commissions all together, and until I am fully able to pursue my new career this will remain as a full time job for me, and as a priority. Commissions and ychs will still be available to the appropriate tier, as i do still need to be able to support myself financially. 

Over the last year my perspective and goals have shifted drastically, I’ve made a lot of personal life changes, and I feel as if it’s time for me to finally update my Patreon to better flow into my new life direction. I’m very afraid to do this, as change is terrifying for me, and I don’t want to disappoint any of you who have been supporting me and my work for as long as you have, but I feel as if these new changes will be beneficial for myself and for all of you as we go forward. With my rebrand as well, I feel as if I’ve outgrown the handle ‘BlakeRosey’, and going forward I will be changing my handle to ‘HOUNDTOMBS’! 

£2 TIER:

The only significant change to my £2 tier will be the removal of wips. From March, £2 tier will act as a tip jar that has access to fully completed high res art work.

£5 TIER:

For my £5 tier, you will receive the previous tier benefit of full high res art work, as well as getting access to wips, monthly downloadable PSD bases, and the occasional speedpaint. Speedpaints won’t be monthly, but whenever they are posted they will be accessible to £5 tier onwards. The benefit of ych access will be removed from this tier, and moved to the £10 tier. 

£10 TIER: 

My £10 tier will gain access to the benefits available in the other two tiers, as well as gaining access to YCH & general commission openings. At least one ych and / or commission availability will be opened per month. Rewards have been removed from this tier, and will be added to my new tier.

£40 TIER: 

this new tier will have access to guaranteed monthly rewards in the current reward style - coloured + shaded sketchy character busts. This tier will be restricted to 5 available slots, which means that going forward I will be able to guarantee everyone in the reward tier gets a reward, which has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while as with rewards currently in my £10 tier, it’s not a possible option. 

And that’s basically it! I’m very very nervous about posting this and implementing these changes, but ive been putting this off for about 6 months now, and I think it’s about time I actually suck it up and start making the changes I need to make.
The tier changes won’t be implemented until MARCH 1ST 2024, so there’s still time for you to decide what you want to do going forward, where as the more aesthetic / rebrand changes will just be rolling out whenever in the meantime. 

If you read this far, then thank you so much! I appreciate each and every single one of you more than I can ever express, This job has been my everything for the entirety of my adult life up until now and I truly dont know where I’d be without all of your support for me and my work. I want to be able to experiment with my art, try new things, explore drawing different things out of my comfort zone and be able to grow as an artist, as well as to grow as a person outside of that. I really think these changes will allow me to do all of that, and will help us build a better community with more reliable benefits going forward that I actually feel as if I can truly deliver on. It’s important to me that I live up to any expectations that you all have of me, and in the same breath it’s important to me that I honour myself and my well-being by allowing room for changes and tweaks to the way I work. 

I’ll wrap it up here, but feel free to let me know any thoughts you may have, as well as questions and or concerns!



Omg this is amazing! I am so happy for you!!! ❤️ I will still gladly support you for as long as I financially can! 😍 Can't wait for see what you create!!❤️❤️❤️ Also I hope this isn't weird if me to ask, I have just wondered for awhile... Are you and Pokki still together? Did y'all ever get married?


SOBS thank you so much!! I appreciate it more than I can put into words ;;w;;! And you’re totally fine for asking, I’m not keen on talking about my personal life much but we aren’t together anymore unfortunately! We broke up a year ago but we ended on very good terms<3 c:


I think this is a great change, Blake! I'm super excited to see the new changes along with your rebrand, the name is LOVELY! 💖