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Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates! I don’t really celebrate myself so this isn’t a very seasonal piece.

I got back from a mini trip visiting some friends up in Scotland yesterday, and I had a fantastic time! We went to a concert and I have gotten some concert crud, so Im not feeling too good. Spent most of today sleeping if I’m honest. BUT while I was with my pals I bought two look up figures which I adore, I’ve wanted look up figs for a while and now I’m absolutely obsessed and can’t wait to get more. I thought it would be fun to draw Wolfie as one! I heavily referenced a mix of Legoshi & Gojo’s look up figures to get the style and pose down, and I really enjoyed this. It’s nothin too special but I had fun with it!

Im gonna continue to take it easy for the next few days while I work thru my sickness, but work should continue as usual soon!




Feel better soon!