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I wanna say a big thank you to you all for the nice comments on my recent human art Doodly dump, it really warmed my heart and meant a lot to me, especially since this is like. Whole new ground for me. Ist been really beneficial to me to throw caution to the wind and brand out into something completely new and different, since I haven’t truly enjoyed drawing for a while, my burn out is really killing me and I have absolutely 0 motivation to draw my usual stuff right now, so bracing out like this really is a saving grace for me.

anyways, ramble over, I am here to share another human Doodly with you all. Ibe been doing basic anatomical studies for a few days straight and I wanted to try my hand at a super simple screenshot redraw? I choose this one from Trigun 1998 since it’s super duper simple and I liked the contrasting colours. And man. It’s been about 9 months since I can remember having this much fun with a drawing. I enjoyed working on it from start to finish, and that’s not something I’ve felt for a while. It’s not perfect, but it was fun and I’m pleased with it! I hope I can keep improving And learning new stuff, as well as keeping that flickering love for art alive.




So beautiful just everything about it is too perfect