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Was listening to music on the drive home and imagining music videos with my ocs in my head as I commonly do, and I realised not only am I severely lacking in Pegasus ocs, but I dont have any competitive female Pegasus ocs, and thus this girl came to me immediately. Her colour palette and personality came to me within seconds, so I wanted to doodle her really quickly before bed. I’m feeling super tired and run down mentally today so this was a nice little treat. Here is some info on her!

(She will have a cutie mark at a later date, I just haven’t designed it yet as It’s kinda late and I’m tired)

this is Lightning Strike. She’s a stunt flyer, in similar circles to Tropical Thunder, Dream Chaser and Saltine Star, she’s also friends with Gold Dust. She’s egotistical, hot headed, competitive, cocky and mouthy. A fantastic flyer, and she knows it. One of the best in the business and it very much gets to her head, but she’s just desperate to keep her position as flying is all she is good at and she fears loosing her rank as it’s what holds her whole sense of self. She is brave, and quick to think, which can be a blessing and a curse for her. She is also eager to challenge other Pegasi to races and stunts so she can show off and compete, struggling to give up or accept a loss if someone is Better than her or beats her. She’ll take the loss on the chin in the moment but will be working hard behind the scenes to improve. Is a gym rat, dedicated to the grind, she doesn’t really know how to relax.

Her closest friend / rival is Tropical Thunder - though hes weather team and she’s stunts, she teases him constantly for not pushing himself more, likes to challenge him to races a lot, and also teases him for his shaggy mane saying it’s impractical for his line of work. In reality she’s a bit jealous of Tropical who seemingly doesn’t need to work hard for his talents, and can slack off often without it effecting his performance too much, while she has to work hard to keep her endurance up otherwise she falls off hard. She doesn’t let the jealously get to her too much though, and their relationship is very much friendly and in good spirits with the teasing, which does go both ways. They went to flight school together, and I imagine she was originally going to peruse being a weather pony but switched to stunts as not to constantly be working besides Tropical as not to compare herself, and because she found it more fulfilling. Dream chaser is always on the stunt team, so him and her are together most often. they are very close friends.



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