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back again with a teeny little art dump for you all, again mostly with base fills.

I was saying with my best friend at her home this last week, and the time away with her has been so incredibly healing and needed. As such I haven’t gotten much art done besides these pieces here, but I’m also feeling a lot more myself, more motivated and I feel my drive for art slowly coming back. I’m getting back to work starting today, even if progress is still slow I’m going to be tackling my backlog now I feel ready to. But, anyways, here’s a little breakdown on all of these.

1. Max! I actually really like this doodle a lot. As I mentioned I had been staying with my best friend, and we travelled down to Brighton on Friday so I could get my first tattoo, which was a fantastic experience. But afterwards I decided to hit up my favourite vintage clothing store, and i just fell in love with this horrific cringe wolf sweater. There were objectively nicer sweaters there for me to choose from, but this one had me In a choke hold for a reason I cannot describe. I do have a big love for cringe vintage wolf sweaters. So, naturally, I wanted to doodle max wearing it.

2. More Max, this one I don’t actually like much. I drew this on my second day staying at my friends house, when I was still feeling pretty crummy but I wanted to push myself to finish something even if I didn’t like it. not pleased with it at all, but it exists now and I’m glad I pushed myself to draw it regardless.

3. a base fill, F2U base is available from miktymiki art on DeviantART! Base fills have low-key been a saving grace for me and my creativity over the last 3 or so weeks, and I had so much fun with this one. I decided to colour Patch and Oliver in on it since I think it fit them the best, and I don’t have any art of them together yet! They have mutual crushes on each other, and I like. To imagine Alfie is taking a picture of them in this drawing.

4 & 5. two more base fills, this time on a Patreon exclusive base by my bestie, planetVCR! I am beyond in love with this base rn it’s so fantastic. Of course, I had to fill in Orion on it since he is literally Cupid, and I decided to do Max on it as well to kill some time on my long train journeys yesterday! I’m sure I’ll fill in more characters on it soon, too. It’s so much fun.





I love all of these so much!!!