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Hello friends. I wanted to make this post to update everyone on what’s going on with me, and the state of the Patreon as a whole so people are not left in the dark. Forgive me if this is not worded well, I’m scatterbrained and I’m just throwing this down without much prior planning or thought.

 Regular furry art is still incredibly difficult right now and I’m horribly unhappy with my stuff. Drawing feels loke walking through thick deep mud. Commissions will not be opening this month, and I’m unsure when general slots will next be open. I might do ychs in the coming months if I can come up with anything, but I need to move through this funk first, and I’m not sure how long that will take. I’m behind on rewards and my current queue has come to a stand still because of my current art rut cause by offline situations. 

If any of my current commissioners would like a refund then feel free to message me any time and we can work something out, because the current pieces on my queue might take a long time and that isn’t something I’m going to sugar coat. If people dont mind waiting then that is also okay, but my turn around time for the remaining pieces will be long. 

I’m deeply sorry for lack of posting, lack of presence in the discord, and lack of providing on things promised, and I’m also sorry that this will probably not change for a few months. I am currently slowly pursuing a career change to better myself,  my mental health, and my future, but for now this is still my main source of income and will probably remain so for the next year or so. 

Im trying to work on February‘s base, but that is also proving to be very challenging and I’m not sure if it will be out before the 14th or not. I’ll do my best though.
In order to try and get up to speed on rewards, I might switch up the style to simple symmetrical icons just so I’m not drowning in owed rewards alongside commissions. Idk.
Im sorry to disappoint anybody, I’m just at a bit of a breaking point with everything around me at the moment and I’m just trying to keep my head above water and survive. 



Don’t worry at all Blake, please take care of yourself and make your mental health a priority. We all understand, art can wait, especially if you aren’t happy with anything you’re producing. We’re all here to support you. I wish you the best 🤍


i happen to be super duper patient — so no worries regarding my commission! I once waited a year for a sketch page and I was still content hehe :] take your time, you got this