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Hello friends, I just wanna make this update post to let everyone know how things are going to go this next month regarding work, including commissions and bases.

Regrettably I’ve had to come to the conclusion that I do not have the time to complete a base and get it out before the end of November. I will be putting out two bases in December, and if anybody will not be furthering their pledge into December, then please shoot me a message so I know to forward the base to you once it is completed. The late November base will not be winter themed, but the December base will be.

I also have come the conclusion that I will not have time to open general comm slots during December, so it will be another month of ychs. I will mix in multi slot ychs and one slot ychs, christmas / winter themed mostly but I will try to do a couple regular ones in between so everyone can feel included.

And a little note about weekly rewards, going into December I will be doing winter / Christmas themed rewards, however, I will be editing the form for this month so those who don’t celebrate Christmas, or live in a warmer climate during December can opt out of getting a Christmassy reward.

I’m very sorry if these decisions have disappointed anyone. I am disappointed in myself for having to come to this conclusion, but I am further behind on my November queue than anticipated, and having that coupled with general holiday hustle and bustle, I have a lot on my plate at current and I am afraid I cannot spread myself any thinner than I already have. On any regular month, I would not mind carrying over a few commissions on my queue into the new queue, but since it’s the holidays, I don’t want to fall further behind. I hope I can still provide fun and exciting ychs for you all, on top of regular posting.


Clover Pigeon

Please don’t feel bad hon! It’s a busy time of year, and your health comes first always. Please take as much time as you need!💖💕💕💕


thatd completely okay! you have a life outside of work and mental health is absolutely the main priority :"C im sure everyone here will continue to be super understanding :"D by all means take things at your own pace :")) you cant be expected to create content continuously with no break :"C hope you feel better!!