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I wanna check in with everyone about these small changes I have in mind for the Patreon, to see what you all think!

So first off, small change, but I’m debating changing the tier names? When I first made this Patreon, I was toying between the tier names we have now, and more plant themed names, y’know, because of Blake Rose, I felt like it fit! At the time I decided against it because I feel like the plant theme for tier names is kinda a popular theme, but I must admit I’ve never been too fond of the current tier names.

For new tier names, I was thinking something typical along the lines of, sprouts, flowers, and roses? What do you guys think though?

Another change I’m debating, well admittedly has basically already become implemented, is that I would like to stop uploading PSD files for finished pieces. I had a run in a few months ago where someone had been colouring in my personal pieces from having access to my PSD files, and was rather hostile about it, so it’s left a bad taste in my mouth and I am hesitant to upload anymore PSD’s, so I would like to just remove that peel entirely and no longer share them.

And final change I was thinking of, is the addition of another tier! It would be a limited tier, that guarantees one Chibi, or icon, im not sure yet, per month to the few people that are in that tier. If I did make this tier, I’d like to name it like. Golden roses, or enchanted roses, or smth like that, to match with the new tier name theme.

It was important to me that I throw my ideas down here for you all, to see what you all think about these possible changes and if you’d want to see them implemented, or any other possible changes or additions you’d recommend me to consider! I appreciate you all tons, thank you so much for your time and continued support!💛💖



i love the new tier ideas!!!


A plant theme sounds super cute! Lots of things are themed after flora, probably because it’s always a winner, totally go for it! Such a shame about the PSDs tho, i love picking apart artist’s work, it’s so fun to see the behind-the-scenes, but it’s completely understandable you don’t want another altercation!!