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AAND some pony posting for tonight also. A little reffy for Dream Chaser I made last minute this morning before art fight as I was debating putting him up but I decided I wanted to so the man needed a shiny new ref of course. And some manips I did of Horizon last night! I wanna do some little manips at different stages of her life bc her lore is so clear in my head and I like seeing it in like. Art form. So there is one of her there as a filly earning her cutie mark, I think she would’ve been one of the first in her friend circle / school to have earned it as she got it very very very young, and second is how I imagine her as a teen / young adult, around when she first started feeling uneasy with her wings. I do wanna manip her enjoying her wings and flying at some point too, as when she first earned them she loved them, she didn’t always hate them. But I remembered this screencap of twilight and I knew I just had to use it for horizon. I also gave her some more freckles on her nose bridge bc I like the idea of her having more freckles when she was younger :}


Horizon young adult / first starting to resent her wings
Dream chaser ref
Horizon filly / earning cutie mark
Horizon young adult / first starting to resent her wings


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