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Doodle of my sweet girl, I absolutely adore her she is everything to me fr. It’s so so SO hot here in the UK rn, thos heatwave is hell my iPad is struggling thru the day. I wanted to doodle her tonight just cus I’m feeling a little low mentally, I feel pretty stuck life wise, and honestly atm Horizon is the sona I’m the most connected to out of all of my sonas.
I also wanted to draw her wings how I actually vision them in my head. Since she never uses the, and hides them away whenever she can, they’re pretty tattered and messy, esp cus she never preens them or takes the time to look after them like she should.




I love her!! She is beloved omg 😍 hope things will get better for you soon Dré, here if you ever need to talk! 💕


Now I wanna draw Horizon and Violet Quill doin a little self care omg 😍😭💕