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Its. 2 in the morning. I stayed up way too late redesigning one of my ponies. I included his first ever piece of art and the design hes kept until today - RUSTY OIL!! Now named Rusty Gears!! I love him. So so much y’all. I love his re design. I very rarely overhaul old ocs designs like this but I just felt like it was necessary, he doesn’t have much art that I’m precious about keeping up to date, and I’ve been wanting to make him a new cutiemark for the LONGEST time bc i hate his old one, so I thought. You know what. I’ll redesign him. AND BOY AM I GLAD I DID!! Ive fallen in love with him all over again. His new design and name and CM reflects his talent and story much much better, he fiddles with fixing up clocks and small gadgets so the gears are much more fitting, and the small magic sparks on the CM represent how his magic acts whenever he tries to use it. Uncontrollable and sparky. his palette hot a slight change also, and his main and tail got the biggest palette changes, being more of a warm yellowish green now instead of the blue green it was previous. His goggles are optional, but he wears them for work! I also wanted to include a little scar on his cheek from when he got his cutie mark and when he cracked his horn as a foal. Also also I wanted to point out that his horn fractures are only at the top of his horn, and they don’t continue down to the base, this indicates that he can still use his magic, but it goes haywire and he’s unable to control it, so it’s his own choice not to use it.

Second up is a little manip I did of Rusty last night, with my friend Lynxie’s oc, Onyx! the two have a crush on one another but they’re both quite stubborn and don’t really know how to confess to one another, so their relationship is very playful and flirtatious for the moment. And next to that is just an older manip I did of Rusty and Bunny! the pair are half brothers, and I just wanted to update this one to have Rusty’s new design!

LASTLY are two different characters! This post has been very Rusty centric, but I just had to throw these two in here at the end. The blue unicorn is Atria, my oc, and the guy on the left is Apop! He is owned by my bestie Hydra, and these two are in a relationship. We’ve been developing them a lot Together over the last couple days and I just knew I had to do a manip of them, I love their dynamic and how they look next to one another. Apop is our AU’s god of chaos, and Atria is from a noble high up family in the unicorn kingdom, a descendant of the first unicorn settlers and comes from a pure unicorn bloodline. She is a powerful magic user, is kind, nurturing, and very smart. Seeing her next to such a chaotic character is so funny, but I just adore how they bounce off of one another in an interaction sense and a design sense.


Rusty Gears temp ref
Rusty Gears CM
Onyx / Rusty Gears
Bunny Cinnamon / Rusty Gears
Rusty Oil - first art piece, 2014
Apop / Atria


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