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Ugh I’m having such a weird mental health day, I just can’t sketch anything I need to, I can barely sketch anything at all honestly. It’s messing with my head so I just turned my brain off and doodled a random pony just to see if I even could still sketch at all, IK that sounds dumb but my heads been all over the place since I haven’t been able to draw anything decent. I’m frustrated with myself for the art block or burn out im in but I’ll push through it I’m sure, I’m the meantime I figured I’d share this sketch at least. Once my queue is done or near the end I’ll likely make this a new YCH or something. It’s simple but I think it’s quite cute 




Take as much time as you need to rest Dré! Don't overdo it too much💕💕

Pink Dog

Take ur time lovely!!! ❤️ do what you gotta do until you feel better, also this looks AWESOME! Can’t wait for this and the pony icon ych!!