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I spent yesterday and the day before just. Doing manips bc of the state my head has been in I wanted to try and relax a bit just by doing manips and talking about my pony au with my friends. It helped a tad, but work must continue!
This is a pretty large dump, so I’ll break down each manip and talk about it and each of the character’s in said manip!!

Lemme know which of these is your favourite if you have one!!

  • 1: Trouble Shoot (mine), and the un named but nicknamed ‘Unicorn‘ (owned by Cigbyte)! Me and Cigbyte have been developing these two something fierce over the last couple days, they’ve been in our heads like little brain worms. The short and sweet of it is that Trouble and Unicorn met online as they both take part in online gaming! they got close over a period of time and have a very teasing affectionate friendship. Unicorn will push all of Trouble’s buttons on purpose to get a rise out of her, and she loves to prod and poke light fun at him. They do very well in the team games they play, but again, Unicorn will often throw the whole game on purpose just to annoy Trouble who takes her games way too seriously. Trouble lives in Hayville which is a very traditional earth pony village, and her family has a long history of farming which she, obviously, doesn’t feed into. Unicorn is from Spellbound town, not too far from hayville, and is a prestigious magic college drop out failed scholar who is a bit of a disappointment to his family for what he has perused in life. Trouble quietly envies unicorns as their magic makes life easier for them, and shes had to work hard to be as good at video games as she is, as the lack of magic leaves her at a disadvantage with accuracy and speed in certain games, and Unicorn envies earth ponies as he feels his life would be easier without the pressure placed on him due to his families magical skill and expectation. The two of them bond over these issues and seriously open up to one another, and after finding out they were a couple train rides away from each other, their first meeting was very emotional and special. They meet up often now and playfully prod and tease one another. In this manip I imagine Trouble is light teasing unicorn for something, maybe she saw him speaking to another pony and is throwing dating accusations out there.

  • 2: Not much of a story for this one! Skullcandy belongs to me, ya’ll already know her, but Sour decay belongs to my bestie Goreun! I just wanted to manip them together as they’re gonna be friends. We haven’t developed their relationship much at this time though.

  • 3: Here’s a fun one! Sugar snowcone belongs to Katsukugou on Toyhouse and Strawberry is mine! I think I’ve explained already, but Sugar has the BIGGEST crush on Strawberry, and poor strawberry here is a bit too oblivious to notice, even though she also has a crush on Sugar - she’s just a bit better at hiding it than the hopeless romantic Sugar. 

  • 4: This one also doesn’t have any story behind it! I realised I had yet to draw or do a manip of my mule boy Bunny Cinnamon, so I asked my friends If they’d wanna have any of their ocs fill the other two spots in the manip. Crimson horror (left) belongs to Goreun, and the un named bat pony on the right belongs to Cigbyte! Not sure if these three will be developed as having any relationship to one another, but Bunny is very friendly with any pony so It makes sense for him to happily chat to both of these Emo gals.

  • 5: Nothing to say about this one really - it’s just Saltine Star! look at her go!

  • 6: Another one of Trouble Shoot and Unicorn! This time Unicorn is the one looking a bit smug. I wonder what he said to her to make her react like that hmmm. Maybe the heart she drew on her left cheek was a bit wonky and he teased her for it.

  • 7: NOW this one is my least favourite manip out of this whole bunch, I’m just really unhappy with how it came out, so I absolutely wanna do another one with these two soon. BUT! On the left here we have Speakerboxx, and on the right we have Spectra Star! both belong to me, and these two have a long history going back to foal-hood. They have almost a sibling relationship, and have helped each other out a lot in life. Spectra is very stoic and stone faced, they’ve been through a lot in life and as a result are very dry and sharp tongued, but they have a huge heart. Spectra grew up in Chariot city alongside Speaker, but moved to Whinnydale into their early adult hood and started up their own bar / club, where they can take ponies in who need a place to stay and / or a safe space to spend their time. Spectra Star will take any pony under their wing without batting an eye, and will treat a stranger like family in an instant if they need it, issuing tough but affectionate love. Whinnydale is far more progressive and accepting than the capitol of chariot City, thus that is the place they decided to place their roots. Though when they did still reside in chariot city, Spectra worked at other bars and clubs to save up their money, and they would always promote Speakerboxx’s performances to whatever bar they worked at at the time, and really helped put Speakerboxx on the map. Speakerboxx would often ask Spectra to sneak her round the back of wherever they worked at the time so they could escape the city guards when one of their back alley concerts got rumbled - and Spectra would do it without a seconds notice. Speaker loves to poke fun At Spectra sometimes, and does everything in her power to get a smile or a laugh out of them - most of the time it’s to no avail, but Spectra appreciates speaker with everything they’ve got.

  • 8. I’m also not much of a fan of how this manip came out? And there isn’t really much of a story here either! I just really wanted to manip Tidal wave, as well as Tequila Sunrise who is owned by Mechabats! These two both live on mustang beach, and have a fun friendship so I really wanted to draw them together! Hopefully i can make a better piece of them interacting soon.

  • 9. another one of Skullcandy, this time with one of her closest friends, Clickbait who is owned by Ott on Toyhouse! Skully and Clickbait are as thick as thieves, and are almost always seen hanging out together. Clickbait is super protective of Skully (due to her being half dragon!), and Skully is pretty oblivious to this, but she loves Clickbait with all of her heart, affectionately nicknaming her ’Clicky’. The towns ponies refer to Clickbait as Skully‘s ‘guard dog’, which they both find quite funny. Skully isnt the brightest bulb in the box, and she can be quite stubborn to boot - but Clickbait is the perfect friend for her as Clicky never takes life too seriously and the two have fantastic chemistry.

  • 10: AAND FINALLY! A big group manip! This one also doesn’t have a story at all, I just asked my friends if any of their ponies would wanna be in this one, and here we are! From Left to right we have Second Chances who belongs to PlanetVCR enjoying his pancakes, Horse who belongs to me, Tigerprint who belongs to Dog3one on Insta, Moonlight Crescent who belongs to Goreun on toyhouse, Black Sheep who belongs to Ott on Toyhouse, and Tequila Sunrise who belongs to Mechabats on Instagram! Tequila probably had a plate full of bugs and Sheep is looking a bit, well, sheepish because of it. 


10. Second chances, Horse, Tigerprint, Moonlight Crescent, Black Sheep & Tequila Sunrise
1. Trouble Shoot & ‘unicorn’
2. Skullcandy & Sour Decay
3. Sugar Snowcone & Strawberry Sunrise
4. Crimson horror, Bunny cinnamon, and ‘unnamed’
5. Saltine Star
6. Trouble shoot & ‘Unicorn’
7. Speakerboxx & Spectra Star
8. Tidal wave & Tequila Sunrise
9. Skullcandy & Clickbait
10. Second chances, Horse, Tigerprint, Moonlight Crescent, Black Sheep & Tequila Sunrise


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