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Little venty doodle I did last night. 

ill be making more hesdway on my queue over the next few days, with everything that’s been happening in my personal life I took some time to have a break, and after confiding in some of my friends about what is going on, my best friend drove Up to come and spend time with me a couple days ago which I really really appreciate. She lives about a 4/5 hour drive away from me so I’m Really grateful she went out of her way to come and keep me company while I process everything. I also wanna thank you guys for the lovely messages you’ve sent me, it really means the world for the support. I’ll do my best to make it up to everyone as soon as I can. 




You have an incredible friend! I'm happy you have a support system :) You'll get there! Take all the breaks you need ♡ we'll be here

Clover Pigeon

Take all the time you need, love, your health comes first always. My dms are always open if you need anything. Take care of yourself hon💖