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Since the uk is in the middle of a heatwave rn, work has been kinda hard but I knuckled down today and I managed to get two sketches I’m pleased with and I figured I’d share em while they wait on approval! I am in the middle of sketching a third Chibi rn also, but I’m not pleased with it just yet so it’s gonna require a few more tweaks. But! Here are a couple WIPs for yall! I think it’s been a hot minute since I posted some wips too :”3

First is a super cute pin up full body wip for Animal Cannibal! I’ve loved their sona‘s design for a while so I’m super excited to work on this one more after approval.

And second we have a soft style Chibi wip for Mizukilun, who always has the cutest characters! 


Animal cannibal



Ahhh they look SO good!