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HELLO FRIENDS! I’m finally here with an official update and info post on this months commissions! I took all of June off from work, and the last batch of work I took on took me much longer than originally anticipated to complete, so I was very very burnt out when it was cleared and I took time to myself to enjoy my busy offline schedule and just draw for me. It was a much needed break and I’m very glad I took that time off. However, with that being said it’s back to work for me this month!

My commissions will be opening on Wednesday July 7th 4pm GMT

I’ll be opening 10 slots through Google forms, and they won’t be first come first served. The form will go up and will remain up for 24 hours and after then I’ll go through and select those I’ll be working with!

You’ll need a clear visual reference of your character/s, and a rough idea of what you’d want or at least know which commission type you’d want! Once I’ve selected everyone I’ll be messaging you all privately to further discuss the comm type and send out invoices etc!

I’ve attached a link to my carrd which has links to my price sheet and my TOS so be sure to check those out! If there’s a piece you’re unsure of price wise then I’m absolutely open for quotes 24/7 365, so never be afraid to drop me a message! I may not get back to ya immediately but I’ll absolutely respond as soon as I can.

I’m looking forward to getting back to work!💖💛


Blake Rosey Illustrations

Business links


Sonya Leah Delta

May we submit multiple commission ideas when you post the form?


YES absolutely!! I’ll only be taking one per person but people are more than welcome to submit multiple ideas if they have them :3


super excited hoping I can get a slot!!