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Good morning friends!! I wanted to share these with you before I get on with my day and continue with work a little later :”3 I have a driving lesson in an hour so I’ll be back to it then!

BUT! I have a new character!! Her name is Gwendoline, Gwen for short! Apparently she was designed originally by Vessei on FurAffinity, and I got her from somebody off of Instagram who was selling her! It was one of those cases where as soon as I saw her design I had an idea for her personality, name, and everything so I knew I couldn’t pass her up. She’s really cute I love her design!! I wanna make her Pepper’s sister maybe, I’m still playing with that idea BUT Gwen is gonna be a reserved girl who tends to keep to herself but she isn’t exactly shy, she just likes her own company. She is very into the occult, and I imagine her collecting dead bugs and having a big love for moths specifically. for her day job I imagine her working has a barista at a local coffee shop but she’s not too invested in said job. I want her and Pepper to be close, as I like how their aesthetics clash but they won’t shame one another for it and they embrace their opposite Ways of presenting. I’m excited to develop her more!!
her TH is private for now but once I make her profile look a tad more presentable I’ll make her public. 

There are also a couple wips I’m working on right now! First Is some chibis of a few of my characters that got redesigns recently, Pepper and Tia! I wanted to show them both a bit of love and explore their fashion a tad, and once I got Gwen I decided to sketch her next to them as well! I’m excited to finish those 3 but I’ll be waiting until I finish that final WIP which is a commission for SinisterBatFluff!! This idea is so much fun and I’m having a blast working on it, I’m excited to be able to continue working on it later today!💖💛


P2U base by Foolrot
Pepper, Tia, Gwendoline
Commission WIP for SinisterBatFluff


CookieCat :3

AhHhH oh my god Gwen is adorable- could I possibly draw her with my Character Edith?? She owns a coffee shop and I wanna draw em like working together or soemthing ack 🥺👉👈 if not that’s okay just wondering!!


She looks so perfect already omg. I can’t wait to it all finished up!!! And Gwen is so gorgeous!!


OHHH YES YES ABSOLUTELY OMG! That would be so cute soBS I’m totally fine with that!! Thank you so much Cookie!! QwQ💖💛