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I updated about the situation in our patreon discord yesterday, but stuff our eldest dog took a really bad health turn a couple nights ago so work has been slow cus I wanna do my best to make the most of the time I have left with him before he goes. We don’t have long left with him, but the situation at home is tricky, so work will be slow but I wanna do my best to chip away at stuff while I can to help keep my mind busy.

This afternoon I decided to do a bunch of these icon YCH’s as gifts for some of my sparkle dog patreons in the discord! I’m still behind on last Sunday’s reward, and hopefully I can get to that tomorrow, but in the meantime I wanted to do some of these icons to make up for lack of activity and stuff. I wanna do a bunch of these on the run up for Christmas for a bunch of sparkle dog patreons as a thank you. I don’t have time or the mental energy to open comms for this month, so I figure doing as many of these icon gifts as I can throughout the remainder of the month is the best thing I can do. I hope you guys don’t mind seeing more of these icons pop up 😅💛


Kaitlin doodles



These look adorable!!! Take your time! Losing a pet is hard. Exspecially when you know you don't have much time left

Zen Collie

These are all so amazing and definitely take the time you need and spend as much time with your pooch as possible. You take time for you, we will understand <3