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Next up in the Collab series I’m doing with my friends, is this one with my good buddy Mechabats!!  Megs is such a funky pal of mine I was SO excited when she wanted to Collab w/ me!! I was floored by her sketch and I really wanted to do my best to do it justice. I’ve never mimicked blurred silhouettes like this before, so I was pretty intimidated but I think I pulled it off kinda well??

I love these two kiddos so much, the guy on the left is called Sounders and he belongs to Meg! And the chara on the right is Hyper who is mine c: I love the size difference between these two hEHE - Hyper is very small so it’s funny seeing her next to a much larger character. Sounders is such a cool had I had a blast colouring him c:

I’m excited to work on the other two sketches I have coming in from friends! I hope you guys like this little Collab series I’m doing w/ my buds. I wanna take on some collabs from sparkle dog patreons in my discord once I’ve finished these also! 👀


No effects
Original sketch by Mechabats


CookieCat :3

I LOVE THIS BRUH, the difference between the too makes me HapPY


This is super adorable😪❤️❤️