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Figured I’d just pile everything ive done today into one big post cus why not! I’ve been having a really rough time but I’m doing my best to get work done when I can. Last night was especially awful for me and I found myself in the worst place I’ve been mentally for a while, so naturally today was also hard but I managed to find a bit of a groove later on in the evening (it’s 1am for me right now for a time frame lmao), so thankfully I was able to knuckle down. 

first 3 are all Chibi commissions for Milkoex, MothMew and Endersart respectively! I’d like to thank all three of them for their patience and understanding with these. it really means so much💛

The one of Angel was a collab piece I did with one of my best friends, Katsukugou on Twitter!! She sketched Angel for me for her birthday a few days ago, and she said I was free to finish it if I wanted to, so thats just what I did! This was a really fun way to wind down tonight. I always love doing collabs with my friends 👉👈

aaaand the last one is something I drew last night after I recovered a little. I almost didn’t share it here because I’m pretty embarrassed about it but hey why not. L as a furry. He’s become a very big comfort character for me as of late so. Yeah. Not much more to say about this one lmAO cringe anime dog

*also as a side note, I’m still working through replying to all my messages, so if I haven’t replied to you yet please hold tight! I promise I see you and I’m working through my messages as fast as I can while also trying to look after myself and keep my head right. My mental health hasn’t been this bad in a long time so I’m really battling with my own head right now 💛


Collab with Katsukugou
Collab with Katsukugou
L Lawliet



youre doing such an amazing job staying strong blake🥺 please continue to stay strong for us we love you so much 💕💕


Gosh the first chibi piece and the Angel one are so cute!! I want to comm you for a food themed chibi now🥺💖 And take care! Your health is very important