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Just a small handful of things I’ve drawn since yesterday! I don’t feel like any of these deserved their own post, so I’m just bunching them together LMAO

1. A thing for my fiancé fox! inspired by Don’t Care Crown by Fox Stevenson c: 

2. Just a funny draw over of me killing my buddy Becky (SilverSkiesXO) on Among us yesterday when we all played - the fact she took a screenshot of this made me laugh so hard I really just wanted to draw over it with our sonas lmFAO

3. SO a couple nights ago I had a dream about this HUGE pastel green and pink frog plushie. He had magnets in his arms and in my dream I hung him around my neck so he could sit on my back kinda. I was explaining what he looked like to friends so I just decided to doodle him really quick to show them. Quick doodle of me with him on my back for a size reference,,,,god I wish he was real


Among us



Pls make frog real

Clover Pigeon

👀👀👀 dm me if you wanna work something out if you're interested