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Just popping in with another update!

The day my iPad first crashed I tried multiple things with the help of pokki & my dad, but none of us had any luck. We came to the decision to let my iPad run its own battery flat over night, and the next day I’d connect it up to my iTunes to see if I could access it through there and hard reset.

I couldn’t.

Yesterday I tried for hours to exhaust all of my options to get my iPad started again, I sat with multiple tabs open and in chat rooms with Apple support but no luck. The only option that was seeming like a way out was factory resetting.

After letting my dad have a final look at my iPad this morning, we came to the decision that factory retting is my best bet to save it, so, that’s what I’m in the process of doing.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to restore some things that were saved on iCloud, so hopefully I won’t loose everything, but I’m unsure how well we’re gonna come outta this.

I’m thankful I wasn’t in the middle of any commissions or work, but if this restore fails then I’ve lost all my files, personal sketches, and everything. Thankfully I post a lot of my art online, and a lot of my favourite sketches have been posted here to Patreon, so I can get them back that way, but it still blows.

My iPad crashing came out of the blue with no previous red flags that this was gonna happen, so I’m disheartened, but at least it’s not completely bust and I don’t have to immediately fork out lots of money on a new one. With that being said, though I was already looking into getting a new iPad soon, now I’ll be more heavily looking into it with plans to get a new one before the end of the year. I’m also looking into buying an external hard drive so I don’t have to run the risk of loosing all my work. I’m a really sentimental person, so loosing so much art is a hard blow for me.

At the moment, my iPad is trying to restore, so I’ll update again once it’s all done and up and running. If all goes well, I should be able to get back to work in a couple days. I appreciate all of your guys patience and support throughout this situation so so much, it was so abrupt and knowing you guys understand puts my mind an ease.



Hey blake, just wondering if you updated your ipad recently? I remember people saying that as soon as they got the new update it bricked their ipad completely, and im just hoping thats not what happened :(!


That’s what happened to mine My iPad took a dump on me and it took roughly a week or so for it to come out of it