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You guys are so fast to jump on the commissions omg! Thank you all! Now, onto the updates!


If you’ve already messaged me abt a commission, this doesn’t apply to you so don’t worry! You’re in the clear and can still work with me 💖

BUT I’m closing commissions again until my current queue is clear! I have a couple big pieces I’ve taken on right now, as well as a couple other comms I’m waiting on confirmation on before I add them to my queue. I wanna clear all of these before I take on more! I’m getting through them pretty quick, so it shouldn’t be too long until I’m open again!

I apologise for the constant opening and closing, I just wanna make sure I won’t overload myself with work and I can get everyones pieces out to them ASAP without too much of a wait! I work a lot better with this system 💖

As always, I will update again once I’m open! And I’m always open for quotes, so if you wanna get a gauge as to how much a specific piece will cost so you can be ready for when I next open, don’t be afraid to drop me a message here or on Discord!


QUEUE: https://trello.com/b/TUpwHaws/commission-queue


I wouldn’t usually make an update this far in advance, but I’ve had a couple people inquire about commissions for September, so I thought it would be wise if I just update everyone with what will be happening regarding that month.

Myself and Pokki booked his flight for him to come and visit this September (this is what my large purchase was I mentioned in my last update)! Now, we have done our research regarding covid and travel, and we’re pretty confident regarding safety and all the knowlage we read up on, however there is still a chance we could have to cancel his flight. But, that’s a slim possibility.

Until proven otherwise, I will be OUT OF WORK from September 14th, until October 3rd. The 14th is when he is due to arrive, and the 3rd is the day he’ll fly home. I won’t be taking on any commissions during this time, and I’ll be taking the entire time off of work.

Because I draw so much, I’ll obviously still be posting here any personal art I draw while we’re together, so Patreon activity isn’t gonna come to a stop! But again, I wanna state that I won’t be taking on commissions until after the 3rd of October. It’ll be a much needed break for the both of us, granted it will go ahead as planned.



Yay! I really hope you get to see each other again and that nothing happens! Enjoy your time off with Pokki!