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It’s my friend Zirasii (on Instagram)‘s 18th birthday tomorrow, so myself and a bunch of his other friends have gotten together to organise a big collab piece for him!

this has been in the works for about a month, and over that period of time Everyone has drawn a few pieces for him. in total we’ve managed to draw all of his characters!

i was in charge of collecting everyone’s finished pieces and putting them together in a large collage - which I finished up not even 30 minutes ago! It was a challenge fitting so many characters into one canvas and not having it look chaotic, but myself and the group agreed it came out wonderful, and we’re all so excited to see his reaction tomorrow. I won’t be posting the collage here, but I’ll be sharing it to my Instagram story tomorrow!

but anyway, here are the two pieces I contributed! These are his characters, Juno and Zirasi. I was in a bit of a rush to get these done, as it’s his birthday tomorrow, so I didn’t have a large window of time left. admittedly, it was my own fault I was in such a rush. like I mentioned, we’ve all been planning This for around a month, but I’ve been so busy, and originally I had planned to work on these yesterday but my mental health took a very very dark turn and I wasn’t in a good place at all. I could barely function, let alone work on art as the day went on. But thankfully today has gone a bit better and I’m back on track. 

i did my best to not feel stressed or under pressure while i worked on these, and overall I had a lot of fun! I challenged myself to use thinner lines than usual, and I had to keep the pieces pretty simple overall as they are for a collage 💞





These look AMAZING your fullbodies are so so sweeT AHH💚


These look so cute! I’m loving the thin lines and I love the balloon on the second one :3 💞💫