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All finished! These were way too fun to work on honestly. I haven’t enjoyed drawing something this much in a hot minute.

but everyone say hello to Sub-Zero and Sandy! These two we’re my very first OC’s ever, specifically Zero was, and Sandy followed shortly after. I dont have the specific dates that I made them, but I know it was (roughly) around July 2010.

sonic is very near and dear to my heart. I absolutely ADORED the franchise as a kid, and it was my gateway into art. I found people on YouTube who would take screenshots from Sonic-X and re colour them, and I thought it was cool so I started doing it! I also began tracing a lot of art from this time too (the two traditional pieces are copied!), until someone kindly explained why tracing was wrong - I then began drawing by myself! 

neither of these two really had very developed personalities back when I made them originally. Sandy used to be a cat, but I changed her species to a fox. I dunno why I made her a cat honestly, cats have never been one of my favourite animals so it was a pretty weird choice. Sub-Zero was a low-key Shadow clone since I was obsessed with him as a kid, and I gave him two tails because of, well, Tails.

while I was re drawing and designing these two, I came up with a few ideas for them personality wise. They are in a freedom-fighter esque group with some others. Sandy is the groups mechanic. She’s very stubborn and hard headed - she doesn’t like being told what to do or be spoken over. She likes to poke fun at her friends, and crack jokes, but overall she’s very caring. Zero on the other hand is a complete dumbass. He’s not the brightest bulb in the box - has probably left a spoon in the microwave on more than one occasion, and often says new words he learns without actually knowing what it means. He’s very sensitive and pretty emotional. He has ice powers, and is part hedgehog, part wolf. He likes to say he got his eye scar from being in an epic battle, but in reality he got it from falling over and bashing his head on some stairs as a child.
the two of them are really close friends, and Sandy likes to trick Zero into doing dumb fun stuff, for instance, tricking him into saying “what’s up-dog?”. they have a relationship similar to a brother-sister bond.

i hope you guys like them! I’m not sure if they’ll be characters I come back to often, but they do hold a special place in my heart, and it was fun to revisit them. Also, enjoy the very old bad art. Don’t bully me too hard 👊😔


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September 1st 2011
First art of Zero - July 2010
First art of Sandy - July 2010
Sept 1st 2011
August 3rd 2010
November 22nd 2010
September 1st 2011



I LOVE THEM!! Sandy would have definitely been my favorite if she was a real Sonic character <3


Oh my gosh your improvement is AMAZING