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Hey all - I just wanna keep everyone updated with where my head is at.

I’m having a very hard time mentally since last night, and today is one of those days where I’ve been struggling to even get out of bed. I finished the pride icon comms for everyone this morning, which means that, thankfully, my queue is currently empty. but that pretty much drained the last of my energy.

I might be unreachable for a day or so while I get my head right. I just really don’t have the energy right now. I really apologise for any inconvenience, and to those who are waiting on replies from me on Discord about commissions & quotes. I promise I’ll get back to you ASAP, I just ask if you can have some patience with me during this time. I’m just not in a good headspace. I’m sorry


Sonya Leah Delta

Take all the time you need!! We love you and we wouldn’t want you to be unhappy and force yourself to talk to anyone. Everything’s going to be okay. We’re here. <3


Take ur time 🥺💖, we want you to be healthy and happy 🥺💖