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The second I woke up this morning I grabbed my iPad and started working on her ref sheet some more LMAO.

It’s just a simple ref, but it does the job! I also finally settled on a name for her - Juniper! or June for short. June was designed by my sister - Circamortua on Instagram - and I only added some tiny tweaks to her design!

she’s big into gardening and growing her own vegetables and flowers. She’s a very passionate girl, and won’t hesitate to snap back with her own arguments And counterpoints. She does fly off the handle a bit /too/ fast in most situations, and she can get fired up really easily, But she means well, and after she’s calmed down she will apologise and own up to her mistakes. She’s kind of a ’mom friend’ type gal - always asking if people are alright or if they’re hungry, checking in on people and she likes to know when people get home safe. She automatically assumes the leader role when with others, and likes to keep things organised.






I love her 🥺💕