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I finally have myself a lil cow character! She was designed by my sister, Circamortua (on Insta & Twitter) as part of a little design trade we did! I have yet to make her design for her, but I’ll get round to it as quick as I can.

I’ve wanted a cow character for a while, and going Vegan really fuelled that desire for me. She’s SO cute, Emmy did such a great job designing her. I can’t wait to develop her more and see how I really click with her!

I sketched this yesterday as a little warm up. I’m not too fond of it honestly, I just wanted to see how she would look in my style to make sure I liked her. I’m excited to get better at drawing cows 💝




she's fucking gorgeous omg <3 <3 please give me help on how to become vegan or vegetarian, i badly wanted to at one point, but my fam just.. full on judged me ;w;