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So many of my friends have birthdays coming up omg,,

This is a birthday gift for my friend Katsukugouu on Twitter!! I love her sonas design so much,, Tabby is such a pretty chara I knew I wanted to do a Chibi for her!

But now it’s back to work 💕




hi! can i ask how you make your pieces look so soft? i absolutely adore it🥺💖


Thank you!!🥺 as for how I make them look soft hmm,,,I do a few things! First is something very new I’ve started doing. I did it on this piece and on yesterdays post for WintersHowling! I add a new layer above all my other ones and set the layer mode to luminosity. Now, I use procreate and from what I’ve seen, Procreate’s luminosity layers look different to say, SAI’s luminosity layers, so this might not work with every program! BUT! I add a luminosity layer on top, fill it with a bright saturated colour (the colour doesn’t matter), then I just lower the opacity quite a lot until I like how the filter looks over the whole piece! I also add canvas like textures on my stuff using Procreate’s preinstalled chalk brushes! And lastly, something I do for a while but something I didn’t do on this piece, Is I duplicate my lineart layer, blur the duplicated one slightly, then lower the opacity a little to make the lines look softer! I also sometimes set the duplicated lineart layer mode to hard light. I hope this helps! I’m not the best at explaining ;w;’


Omg what a total cutie!!! Amazing work Blake💕