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You’re extra squirmy and fussy so I try to make this diaper change quick. I can’t get you to calm down and drift off

In the extended version I read you a story until you fall asleep



Why does every post end with a story now? I mean I like one from time to time but I like more interaction.


This one does not end in a story, the description of this week's audio is from a previous week.


Thank you Lo-lo! I have a hard time going to sleep. Listening to you read helps me fall asleep. Maybe you could do a series where you read us a fairy tales? Or make one up!? I'm simple. I would like an audio of you humming songs while scratching our backs and patting our bottoms. That last one might just be me though 😉

Not I said The Guy

I think you might need to know this. I just finished listening to this one. I'm on the verge of tears. Tears of Joy. I really needed this one so badly Lo. I don't know how to Thank You enough for sharing your gift with the rest of us. This meant so much to me, you have no idea. I've been away, but am certainly glad to be back. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.