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What about caught by big sister?

Hayley Kolinski

I would prefer a big sister who isn’t grown up. So like maybe 7. She doesn’t know what she’s doing but she’s trying. She’s in charge while mum is outside weeding the garden or something and she’s switching from nurturing to mean and back again and getting annoyed at me getting into her stuff or ruining her colouring or whatever she’s trying to do. I never had a big sister, I was the big sister, having an adult sister is kind of weird and impossible. It would be so nice to experience my brother’s viewpoint of my past. He was born when I was 7 and I was looking after him, changing his diaper etc when mum was napping or doing stuff outside. The over exaggerated reaction to a stinky diapers would be awesome. Would also mean you get to go into little space for the Audio!


I mean I'd be into either lol


Everybody voted for sweet but I need some of these adios to be mean

Foo Fighter

I looks like nice big sister is favored, but nice girls could have a bad day once in a while,


Do whatever makes you happy Lo, your patrons will love it regardless.


no meanies


I like the idea of a nice older sister who knows about our accidents/bedwetting but we didn’t know that she knew, and now that she’s in charge she gives us subtle/gentle reminders until fully checking on us…but I also quite like the idea of a mean younger sister! Someone who’s only a year or two younger but loves to point out the fact that their older sibling is still a bedwetter in diapers.

Allen DeCowsky

I would prefer a nice big sister that is totally accepting of my diaper lifestyle. I would like it if she occasionally teases me about having to wear diapers.


Definitely into mean big sister.


Both please : }


Yes, Babytommee is right. Both, please.